Help Stop Mass Legal Immigration Threats!
3/7/2025 - Carrying Capacity Network is a National Nonprofit (501c3) Activist organization working for U.S. immigration reduction, national cohesion, economic sustainability, environmental and personal protection, and resource conservation.
CCN's Legal Immigration Reduction Activist Initiative: Consider
52% of legal Immigrants, 59% of illegal immigrants, but only 39% of native-born Americans use taxpayer funded welfare programs, e.g., cash, food, Medicaid (
Mass Legal Immigration greatly increases housing costs and greatly decreases housing availability (
Mass Legal Immigration greatly decreases employment opportunities for the Native Born, e.g.: Foreign-born employment up 2.9 million, U.S.-born down 183,000. (
NET (i.e.: after subtracting taxes immigrants pay) Cost of Legal Immigration to U.S. taxpayers: $330 billion per year. (
CCN sponsored and distributed a Study of the pre-pandemic NET (after subtracting Taxes immigrants pay) Costs of LEGAL Immigration. Among the Findings:
see [Read Further]
2/7/2025 - Preserving the USA's cultural carrying capacity has been a central concern of Carrying Capacity Network since CCN's founding some thirty-five years ago. It is the First Principle of CCN's 5-point program.
Practices which impair or destroy fundamental cultural values impair the sustainability of a nation -- as the eminent Garrett Hardin asserted in his classic 1986 essay 'Cultural Carrying Capacity' -- just as overuse of not-easily replaceable resources is a transgression of long-term ecological carrying capacity
Among cultural values essential to the sustainability of the United States are, for example, Freedom of Speech, Rule of Law, and Respect for a shared Heritage and English Language --all basic to social cohesion, national unity and national preservation.
Increasingly in the second half of the twentieth century, however, the social movement known as Cultural Marxism began to transform the USA itself.
Cultural Marxism's advocacy of Politically Correct speech rather than Free Speech, and multiculturalism/multilingualism rather than National Unity under one shared Culture and Language are, arguably, threats to the USA itself.
see [Read Further]
Immigration Harms + THE IMMEDIATE THREAT
Together we must act NOW!!
12/02/2024 - First consider the intensifying Harms resulting from Mass Legal and Illegal Immigration as revealed in 2024 CCN Alert Headlines.…
Mass Immigration Greatly Increases Housing Costs & Greatly Decreases Availability
documented the many Negative Effects of Mass Immigration on the USA.
Two for example:
Foreign-born employment up 2.9 million, U.S.-born down 183,000
Net Costs of LEGAL Immigration to U.S. Taxpayers $330 Billion/Year
April 2024, the Center for Immigration Studies released a study
indicating that
Mass Immigration Increases Housing Costs
and Decreases Availability
Immigrants take Americans Jobs,
but use more welfare than Americans!
see [Read Further]
- Whether
we will suffer from continued Mass Immigration----is a
Major issue in the upcoming Election. Mark Krikorian CEO of Center
on October 24, 2024
Dispatch published four brief pieces on the immigration policy stakes
in the coming presidential election. Excerpts from my contribution
are below; the other three contributors were anti-borders
libertarians affiliated with the Cato Institute.]
biggest concern about a Harris administration is that it would
represent a continuation, or even intensification, of the past four
years of immigration lawlessness.
Harris’ claims of being a born-again border hawk, everything else
points in the opposite direction. Putting aside her administration’s
policies—which according to a House Judiciary Committee report
resulted in the release of close to 6 million illegal
border-crossers—her extreme legislative record while in the Senate
and the regulatory agenda already in place point to a continued
undermining of immigration enforcement.
. .
Trump administration can be counted on to restore immigration
enforcement, but there are still two things to look for.
will it adequately prepare to ensure that the moves needed to restore
order are politically sustainable and aren’t stopped by the courts?
In 2017, the misnamed Muslim ban was at first so slapdash that it
caused chaos at airports among immigration inspectors confused by it.
The policy—essential for national security—was eventually upheld
by the Supreme Court as a legitimate exercise of power explicitly
delegated to the president by Congress. But that was only after
running an avoidable political and legal gauntlet. Whether those
staffing a potential second Trump administration learn from those
mistakes will bear watching."
see [Read Further]
Our country in desperate need calls on you and fellow patriotic
citizens to help. Circle the wagons. Fight for our freedom and our
many more of our liberties are trashed by a weaponized "justice"
system evident in certain Courts, by the "independent"
bureaucracies, by the mass media indoctrination, we patriots may find
no way back.
is the time! Join us! Every citizen who is wrongly abused will look
back on this time as nearing the last when we might, together, have
rescued our Republic and our Freedoms for ourselves and our posterity
can again succeed, (see below) but we must act together NOW to defeat
the Leftist/Marxist Opposition!
see [Read Further] 04/23/2024 - CCN
has documented the many Negative Effects of Mass Immigration on the
USA. Two for example:Harris represents a continuation of lawless and unpopular immigration policy
Our Freedom & Country at Great Risk!!
But Together we Can Protect them!! Join Us!!
Immigration Greatly Increases Housing Costs & Greatly Decreases
Foreign-born employment up 2.9 million, U.S.-born down 183,000
Net Costs of Legal Immigration to U.S. Taxpayers $330 Billion/Year
This April 2024 the Center for Immigration Studies has just released a study indicating that
Mass Immigration Increases Housing Costs
and Decreases Availability
= = = = = = = = = =
The Migrant Surge and the ‘Shelter’ Inflation of 2024
Cheap labor ain’t always cheap
and somebody ought to look into it
By Andrew R. Arthur on April 19, 2024
I recently discussed what proponents are lauding as the economic benefits of an unprecedented surge in both legal and illegal alien workers into the United States under the Biden administration, and identified serious downsides decision-makers weren’t considering — including the effects migration is imposing on resources for “housing, education, health care, and sustenance”. Thereafter, the latest inflation numbers came out, showing an unexpectedly high 3.5 percent increase in costs, year over year, in March. Half of that rise was driven by increases in the costs of gasoline and, critically, “shelter”. Economic pundits should realize cheap labor ain’t always cheap and take a look to see whether there’s a connection.
see [Read Further]
4/16/2024 - Ms. Jessica Vaughn of Center for Immigration Studies provides an excellent overview of the Ongoing Invasion in her recent testimony before the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations:
----"Thank you, Chairman Gosar, for the opportunity to testify today. The mass migration crisis instigated by the Biden administration’s irresponsible immigration policies has caused incalculable harm to American communities, including those in Indian Country, even those far from the border. The mass catch and release policies have led to the release of more than three million illegal migrants, damaged the integrity of our immigration system, and exposed Americans to new national security and public safety threats – especially threats related to the trafficking and distribution of illicit drugs. Further, the huge influx of migrants taking advantage of the opportunity to be released into the United States has so overwhelmed the Border Patrol and its local partners that it can no longer control vast stretches of the border, enabling the illegal crossers who want to avoid apprehension to violate the border with impunity. These policies have facilitated the entry of illegal drugs and also the cartel operatives who distribute them. The result has been a huge spike in deaths, overdoses, and poisonings from dangerous drugs distributed by the cartels and their accomplices. In addition, the Biden policies have enriched certain transnational criminal organizations, including Mexican and Chinese cartels and Central and South American gangs, to the point where these organizations represent a threat to civil society and the rule of law throughout the Western Hemisphere.
see [Read Further]
Immigrants take Americans Jobs, but use more welfare than Americans!
Foreign-born employment up 2.9 million, U.S.-born down 183,000
3/11/2024 Posted:
Less-educated U.S.-born men
struggle the most. The labor force participation — the share
working or looking for work – of U.S.-born men (18 to 64) without a
bachelor’s has not returned to pre-covid levels. They do not show
up as unemployed because they are not actively looking for work.
There has been a decades-long decline in the labor force
participation of these less-educated U.S.-born men, which is linked
to profound social problems such as crime, overdose deaths and
“We keep hearing how the job market is
booming, yet the number of U.S.-born Americans working has still not
returned to the 2019 pre-Covid level. Moreover, labor force
participation among non-college educated U.S.-born men has not even
returned to the 2019 level, which itself was very low by historical
standards,” said the Center’s Director of Research and the
report’s coauthor, Steven Camarota.
Among the findings:
see [Read Further]
VIA Biden, Dems, RINO GOP!
01/24/2024 -ALIPAC:-"No
secret deals to support Biden's illegal parole Amnesty for illegal
alien invaders and this border disaster in exchange for more blood
money for corrupt Ukraine oligarchs and an illegal war against
see [Read Further]
Democrats Demand Mass Alien Amnesty
tightening Asylum Laws and Border Security
12/22/2023 - With
foreign aid package
scheduled to hit the Senate floor early in January, Senate
Democrats push their joint
to demand that an agreement to tighten asylum laws and improve border
security (per House H.R.2) must as Quid Pro Quo include their Amnesty
for illegal aliens.
Republicans will not support aid to Ukraine to defend its borders
unless Congress and the Biden Administration act to defend our own
Open Borders Crowd is working hard AGAIN on their "Comprehensive
Immigration Reform" Bill to Amnesty over 35 Million Illegals AND
promises to be very contentious in Congress, with multiple battles
over policy and legislation.
see [Read Further] 12/5/2023 - A wise long-time CCN Supporter recognizing the importance of CCN continuing to be a Major force in shaping National policy, and especially in defeating the Mass Alien Amnesty and related Bills which Threaten NOW, will match all Donations up to $5,000.!!
The Open Borders Crowd is quietly working hard AGAIN to enact an Amnesty of about 35 Million Illegals AND to DOUBLE Legal Immigration!!
CCN has Activists in every State which is why we were able to stop the Mass Alien Amnesty Bill in December, 2019
see [Read Further] by
DHS 200,000's Migrant Flights
into U.S. Airports!
10/19/2023 - A
little-known part of the Biden administration's CBP One parole
program permits inadmissible aliens to make an appointment to fly
directly to airports in the interior of the United States, bypassing
the border altogether. Partial data on the program, just obtained by
the Center for immigration Studies pursuant to a Freedom of
Information Act request, reveals that more than 200,000 people from
four countries have used this direct-flight and parole program over
the past year!!!!-------
see [Read Further]
say a rotten SECRET new Amnesty deal is in the works between RINO
Republicans like Mitch McConnell R-KY (202) 224-2541, Lindsey Graham
R-SC (202) 224-5972, and James Lankford R-OK (202) 224-5754 to trade
more money for the illegal war against Russia and corrupt oligarchs
in Ukraine to provide legislative approval for the Biden-Harris
administration's currently illegal parole Amnesty for illegal
The word is Republicans in the US Senate are
willing to trade parole Amnesty for 5,000 illegals per day (1.8
million) for more war bucks!"ALIPAC ...
Environments Threatened
Migrants Displace U.S. Workers - Biden Paroles 540,000 Illegals!
09/15/2023 - Staggering
figures have revealed that over 1.2 million US-born workers lost
their jobs last month while the foreign-born workforce increased by
nearly 700,000
– as
migrants continue to flood
across the border under
the Biden administration.
CLAUDIA AORAHA | DAILYMAIL.COM | 9/4/2023 | Condensed
Data from US Bureau of Labor Statistics show that between July and August, there was a staggering decrease of 1.223 million native-born people in the workforce – which is a low not beaten since the jobs crash when Covid hit in April 2020.
see [Read Further]
Biden/Mayorkas advancing Cartel Crime, & Bill for Public Benefits for Illegals!!
7/22/2023 -In
addition to the FIVE
ALIEN AMNESTY Bills which the Open Borders Crowd is seeking to Merge,
(i.e.create a compromise Bill which contains some provisions from
each of the SIX Bills summarized below including from One Good Bill)
But it is the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill (see recent CCN
Alert) which most reflects their Ultimate Goals.:
of these Alien Amnesty Bills would increase costs to taxpayers,
increase drug running and child trafficking , increase homelessness,
and increase threats to personal safety and public health
now we have Biden/Mayorkas advancing Cartel Crime and yet another
Bill introduced which would provide taxpayer funded Public Benefits
to Illegals!! Help
CCN stop these Bills and policies!!
6/19/2023 - Two additional massive Illegal Alien Amnesty bills have been filed very recently
The Democrat filed Citizenship for Essential Workers Act in the US Senate, also filed as HB 3043 and
the Bipartisan supported Dignity Act Amnesty filed as HR 3599
Now there are FIVE ALIEN AMNESTY Bills which the Open Borders Crowd is seeking to Merge, (i.e.create a compromise Bill which contains some provisions from each of the SIX Bills summarized below including from One Good Bill) But it is the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill (CIR # 3 below)) which most reflects their Ultimate Goals.: ...
see [Read Further]
3/1/2023 - A
wise long-time CCN Supporter recognizing the importance of CCN
continuing to be a force in shaping National policy, and especially
in defeating the Mass Alien Amnesty Bills which Threaten NOW
match all Donations up to $5,000.!!
our recent Alert: "Dream
Act Amnesty Stalking Horse for CIR Mass Alien Amnesty!"
describes in detail the Great Threat these Alien Amnesty Bills pose
defeat them, CCN needs Donations ASAP!
please Donate NOW to help us stop them and
make our Match!
see [Read Further]
2/21/2023 - Sellout
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has launched a new "Dream
Act of 2023"
Amnesty bill in the US Senate (S365) with his fellow open-borders
globalist Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL). The
bill would automatically grant conditional permanent resident status
to some two million Deferred
Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients .
permanent resident status can be changed to lawful permanent
resident (LPRs or green-card holder) status as soon as they meet
certain conditions
Act Amnesty
legislation is a strategy DC Open Borders elites crafted after we
defeated the Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) Mass Alien
Amnesties several times in Washington 2004-2019. The globalists plan
to use younger illegals to pull on American heartstrings to get this
Amnesty for 2 million illegals --the DACAS-- who claim they came as
kids (many are lying) into law as the stalking horse for a Huge Alien
Amnesty. via the CIR Bill
see [Read Further]
1/27/2023 - The
Open Borders forces in Congress, led by the Biden Administration (via
DHS Secy Mayorkas) are pushing to dramatically INCREASE Legal and
Illegal Immigration into the USA!
The Biden Administration is expanding the Parole Program to admit
30,000/month from Cuba, Haiti, & Nicaragua ALONE! 2)The
Biden Administration intends to triple "Refugee" Admissions
from Latin America & the Caribbean 3)
Rep Salazar GOP Congresswoman from Florida is Joining with most
Democrats to push for a Mass Alien Amnesty and greatly increased
Legal Immigration levels via an innocuous sounding Comprehensive
Immigration Reform Bill. Rep Salazar repeated her call for a Mass
Alien Amnesty at the recent Davos conference
stop the foregoing by: 1)
Support Rep.Fallon's (R-TX) Articles of Impeachment re Secy Mayorkas. 2)
Support Rep Chip Roy's (R-TX) Bill to halt all Illegal Immigration
until the Border is under ".Operational Control" 3)
Advocate for CCN's Legislative Program below.
see [Read Further]
12/26/2022 - Carrying
Capacity Network is a National Nonprofit (501c3) Activist
organization working for immigration reduction, national cohesion,
economic sustainability, and resource conservation.
Activists around the USA and CCN'S Reductionist Allies scored a
VICTORY in 2022 by stopping a Mass Alien Amnesty Bill in the Lame
Duck Session! Moving
into 2023 our main challenge is to prevent passage of a Mass Alien
amnesty Bill which would also as much as double legal immigration.
The open borders crowd will transmogrify the Mass Alien Amnesty Bill
into a push for a “Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill”
including an Alien Amnesty plus other worse provisions AND push for
passage in 2023! ! ...
see [Read Further]
11/29/2022 - The Open Borders Crowd intend to pass a Mass Alien Amnesty which would include violent DACAs in the Lame Duck Session starting this week! That Bill as now being drafted would likely not only legalize over 30 Million plus
Illegals with green cards and a path to citizenship, but ALSO remove many of the caps on legal immigration resulting in a dramatic increase/doubling of the pre-pandemic level of 1.5 Million per year. The costs to taxpayers (pre-pandemic $758 million per year NET of taxes immigrants pay) per Congressional district for legal immigration alone (CCN study), would be immense, not to mention the increased child trafficking, drug running and increased Cartel power, the legalization of the Illegals would increasingly facilitate
see [Read Further] The resolution would use the Congressional Review Act, a law that gives Congress the power to overturn federal agency actions – such as the Biden administration’s asylum rule. That rule, “Procedures for Credible Fear Screening and Consideration of Asylum, Withholding of Removal, and CAT Protection Claims by Asylum Officers,” would INSTANTLY rubber-stamp asylum applications at the border.
[Read Further] The resolution would use the Congressional Review Act, a law that gives Congress the power to overturn federal agency actions – such as the Biden administration’s asylum rule. That rule, “Procedures for Credible Fear Screening and Consideration of Asylum, Withholding of Removal, and CAT Protection Claims by Asylum Officers,” would INSTANTLY rubber-stamp asylum applications at the border.
[Read Further] April 2022 ACTION; Contact your Members of Congress and insist they Save Title 42 for Health reasons, HOWEVER,
insist that they NOT use any Bill saving Title 42 as a PRETEXT for enacting an Illegal Alien Amnesty and/or
increasing Legal Immigration in any way which some Open Borders Reps. plan to do.
[Read Further] Recall last year, as year-end approached CCN took the lead in successfully opposing the Cheap Labor Lobby’s Jobs Giveaway bills. Consider that the Bills we opposed a year ago are still a Threat, indeed, a Greater Threat because of the Lame Duck. [Read Further] [Note: As a 501(c)3 organization, CCN can Not and does Not support or oppose Candidates or Political Parties. But it can and does here publicize their positions on that Most Important Issue: Immigration] Consider the Presidential Candidates’ Positions on immigration and some of the consequences: Over the past 12 months, CCN Activists & our ASAP! Coalition Allies have continued to push for an all-categories-included Zero-Net Moratorium on Legal Immigration. We can report great, but limited, success. This year: The President has ordered a Moratorium (albeit temporary) on admission of some Categories of Immigrants, arguing, correctly, that Jobs and support should be reserved for the 30 Million+ unemployed Americans. The President's most recent action is to raise the requirements for H1b applicants and raise the salary scale so that employers are less able to use these temporary workers to undercut Americans. [Read Further] Over the past 12 months, CCN Activists & our ASAP! Coalition Allies have continued to push for an all-categories-included Zero-Net Moratorium on Legal Immigration, with great, but limited, success. ... Unfortunately, the Joe Biden/Kamala Harris Team, is pushing a de facto Magnified Open Borders Agenda. Please help us stop it - see below! The Agenda would: Worse, the Addition of Harris to V.P. Biden’s Ticket will magnify the pressure both before (and after!?) the November 3rd Election to Enact an Expanded Open Borders Agenda, which would increase legal immigration and eliminate immigration enforcement! In other words, to enact the Biden/Harris "Unity Agenda", i.e., Open Borders Agenda. [Read Further] This year, CCN & its ASAP! Coalition Allies have continued without any help from the Management Groups to push for an all-categories-included Zero-Net Moratorium on Legal Immigration. Result this year: The President has ordered a Moratorium (albeit temporary) on admission of some Categories of Immigrants, arguing, correctly, that Jobs and support should be reserved for the 30 Million+ unemployed Americans. In contrast, Presidential Candidate, Joe Biden, is pushing a de facto Open Borders Agenda. Biden’s Agenda (indeed, the Left’s Agenda) would: In cities across the U.S.A., Marxists are using the Protests of the killing of George Floyd as a Pretext for Mobilizing the Far Left, many of them University-indoctrinated Millennials, to gain power. In Seattle, Marxist-led Rioters have literally taken over Blocks of the City Center to create CHAZ “Capital Hill Autonomous Zone” with shouts of “Defund the Police!” Of course, that means they want to be and, in CHAZ apparently are, the Self-Appointed (Armed) Police. The evidence that the Leftist Movement (masquerading as Black Lives Matters supporters) is Marxist is found in their recently released Manifesto. [Read More...] Over 35 Million Americans are now unemployed, including 135,000 Healthcare Workers. But Speaker Pelosi’s so called “Heroes” Act just barely passed by the House would allow the Admission of 150,000 Foreign Healthcare Workers to take American healthcare jobs. But While the Heroes Act would also provide funding for unemployed legal immigrants workers, California’s Governor Gavin Newsom just authorized payment of $125Million to Illegal Alien Workers -- $75 Million from California Taxpayers and $50 Million from Corporate Donors (who just love that Cheap, i.e., U. S. Taxpayer-subsidized, Labor). [Read Further] President Trump’s Moratorium Executive Order only lasts for 60 days and only applies to applicants for permanent residence! But 22 Million Americans are Now Unemployed! And the Order does not include those applying for Temporary Work-Based Visas! April 21, 2020 Thanks and congratulations to Carrying Capacity and Balance…groups which have worked for decades in order to obtain a 5 year moratorium on all immigration. Now comes #NumbersUSA (Roy Beck) and #FAIR (Dan Stein) who are striving to take credit for this work. Those 2 windbags have never in the history of their organizations influenced any piece of state or national legislation regarding a MORATORIUM or anything close…a word never known to cross legislative lips until President Trump announced a temporary moratorium to commence immediately. Again, many thanks to you and your followers! Our very best always, Joe & Barbara Mc******n For over twenty years, CCN's Donors-Activists have opposed Mass Immigration, Globalism and Marxism and advocated for protecting Lifeboat USA, with a Zero-NET all-categories included Moratorium on Legal Immigration as our Flagship Initiative. The Disaster of Modern Italy is an Object Lesson on the Consequences of succumbing to Mass Immigration, Globalism and Marxism, and yes, the Lethal CoronaVirus Pandemic is just one direct consequence. And the USA is NOW under Great Threat from the Globalists, Marxists and Open Borders Crowd. But that Italian Disaster can be avoided for the USA if, and only if, CCN’s Solution is adopted. So First, Consider Today’s Italian Horror as described by the Noted Italian Author, Giacomino Nicolazzo. [Read Here...] The CoronaVirus Bill pushed by the Democrats contains several outrageous Foreign Workers First Provisions. We quote from Breitbart Article. A Hundred-thousand foreign workers to get college jobs or blue collar Jobs while Millions of Americans lose their careers. The House Democrats’ coronavirus recovery bill allows several hundred thousand foreign workers to get college jobs or blue-collar jobs while millions of Americans lose their careers…. “Congress seems hell-bent on replacing Americans with foreigners,” said Mark Krikorian, the director of the Center for Immigration Studies. “We’re going to have 30 percent unemployment or more — higher than the Great Depression — and yet we are going to bring in more people from abroad? It surreal.” “This House bill is disgusting,” said Marie Larson, a co-founder of the American Workers Coalition, which organizes U.S. graduates to oppose companies’ growing use of foreign visa workers. “It is an overreach; it has to be called out.” [Read More] CCN’s successful leadership late last year in is becoming widely recognized. But for CCN, these (Merged) Bills would likely have been on the President’s Desk before last Christmas! Indeed, in recognition of our success and the Urgent Need to Counter New Threats from the Open Borders Gang, a generous CCN Supporter has just offered to Match all Donations to CCN this Month up to $5,000! [Read More] And given the Net (after subtracting Taxes Immigrants pay) Costs of the approximately 1.5 to 1.6 Million Annual Legal Immigrant Flow, of $758Million per year per Congressional District to U.S. Taxpayers, the Current System is neither justifiable nor Sustainable. But before we lay out The Solution to prevent these Outrages in the future, consider what the Rapist is actually convicted of doing. [Read Further] Although CCN may not agree with this Guest Essay in every respect (e.g., the current situation is not caused only by some Democrats, but also by some Republicans In Name Only [RINOs] and others as well), we think this Superb Essay by World Cyclist and Mountaineer, Frosty Wooldridge, deserves wider Distribution. [Read More] Your Congressional Represetatives threaten American jobs and prosperity again! [Read More] CCN’s recent successful leadership in facilitating the stopping of “Unanimous Consent” for S.386 “ among other successes is now widely recognized. Yet, Congress threatens American jobs and prosperity again! [Read More] CCN’s recent successful leadership in is becoming widely recognized. [Help Us Reach this Goal] CCN has taken the lead in exposing the $330 Billion Annual NET (after subtracting Taxes Immigrants pay) Cost of Legal Immigration to American Taxpayers. That’s $758 Million per Year NET per Congressional District and does not include State and Local NET Costs. See CCN’s NET Cost of Legal Immigration Study. Worse, much of this is borrowed Money! And much of the pressure to continue the Legal Immigration flow comes from the very well heeled Cheap Labor Lobby who make Huge Donations to members of Congress. Result: Wage Depression and Job Loss for American Workers — over 5 Million Jobs lost since 2005! [Read More] But then Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) vetoed Unanimous Consent so he could introduce his RELIEF Act to greatly increase Legal Immigration in addition: Now Lee and Durbin are working to “marry” the two bills in Secret Negotiations in the Dead of Night, Sources inform us. [Read More]
Every year, 800,000 Americans graduate from College but S.386 (Harris D-CA) would give these jobs to 300,000 Indian contract workers per year, plus other H1Bs which would be admitted under S.386! Worse many Senators pushing this Bill are Selling out American Workers by following the Lead of Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) who has received Donations from the following Big “Cheap” Labor Lobby companies: Microsoft, $33,000; Google, $18,400; Amazon, $12,500; Oracle, $11,000; Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook, $11,000 and the Koch-owned Koch Agronomic Services, $11,000. (cf So Ask Senator Lee what his priorities are — Jobs for Citizens of Utah and the USA or for the Cheap Labor Lobby Mega-Companies who have donated lavishly to him. Fortunately, a CCN Activist facilitated stopping Senator Lee’s attempt to have S.386 approved on “Unanimous Consent” by emphasizing to Senator Perdue (R-Georgia), S.386’s disastrous consequences for Americans which Perdue initially recognized then rescinded his opposition, thus caving to the Cheap Labor Lobby. The House version of S.386 passed weeks ago. But now, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), has nixed Unanimous Consent, saying that S.386 does not allow enough Legal Immigrants! Incredible! But Durbin’s action does give us the Opportunity to Defeat this Bill because the Senate is in recess for two weeks, and many Senators “have gone home”. Act NOW! Ask your Senator to reveal their Donor List and to publicly oppose the High-skilled American jobs giveaway Bill — S.386 and Insist they take a stand Against Mass Legal Immigration which is a magnet for Illegal Aliens, who aspire to fill the Legal Immigration “Slots” like the uncapped Asylee Category. Contact your Senators’ local offices now and tell them what you think. Worse, under S.386 other relatively low-skilled H1Bs and Immigrants in other categories would continue to take jobs from Americans and depress American Wages and to increase costs to American Taxpayers who subsidize the Globalist companies which hire these Immigrant workers. (See CCN’s Net Costs of Legal Immigration Study). There is no shortage of skilled American Workers as the three studies on which we earlier reported show.[Read More] Every year, 800,000 Americans graduate from College with degrees in healthcare, business, engineering, math, science, and
These Graduates’ job prospects are seriously impaired by the additional 300,000 Indian contract workers, plus other H1Bs which would be admitted under the so-called “Fairness to High-Skilled Immigrants Act” (S.386, Kamala Harris — D, CA) to be considered by the Senate this September! And other relatively low-skilled H1Bs and Immigrants in other categories would continue to take jobs from Americans and depress American Wages and to increase costs to American Taxpayers who already subsidize them for the benefit of the Globalist companies which hire them. (See CCN’s Net Costs of Legal Immigration Study)[Read Further] H.R. 1044 “Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act” (aka “Job Killer for Americans Act”) passed the House in early July with support from a Majority of Dems and 140 RINO Republicans.
And now, an equally Disastrous Companion Bill has been Introduced in the Senate (S.386 — Kamala Harris, D, CA) These Bills are Disasters because they would greatly increase Legal Immigration and
dramatically change our employment green card distribution system by eliminating a safeguard that prevents green card numbers from being monopolized by citizens of one or two countries. Known as the “per country cap,” this provision ensures that the employment-based visas are available to a truly global pool of talent in a wide variety of occupational sectors. It should not be scrapped; eliminating it would benefit one industry (Big Tech) and two groups of applicants (Indian tech workers and Chinese investors) and squeeze out all others.
Even though President Trumps “Deal” with Mexico will likely result in reduced Illegal Immigration, MASS Legal Immigration is an Intensifying Threat . . . Intensifying regarding both Costs and other Negative Impacts, including being a continuing Magnet for Illegals. The Trump Administration Immigration Proposal, though admirable in certain respects — eliminating the Visa Lottery and reducing Chain Migration — contains several Serious Flaws. Several excellent Policy and Legal Changes are available to Reduce Mass Illegal Immigration. But none that we have heard so far cite the one additional change in the law re Legal Immigration necessary to Stop Mass Illegal Immigration and by the way, to Increase Political Pressure to Reduce it. The recently passed Funding Bill not only poses a horrific Threat to Children by ENCOURAGING the trafficking of Unaccompanied Minors across the border for many illicit purposes including providing a ”Ticket” for Permanent Residence in the USA to Traffickers who seek one. But the Bill also demonstrates that, in order to reduce Illegal Immigration it is essential to SIMULTANEOUSLY push for a Zero-Net Moratorium on Legal Immigration. [Read More] Negotiations for a comprehensive Immigration Bill are ongoing. Many destructive phenomena in today's political, economic and cultural environment in the US and Western Europe are caused by, or have their roots in, “Cultural Marxism”. Among the many are Mass Immigration, Political Correctness, Identity Politics, Aggression against Political Opponents, and yes, ANTIFA. The goal of Cultural Marxism is world domination through undermining the values expressed by principal institutions — such as family, religion, traditional sexual roles, and shared heritage and history — of the peoples it seeks to control. So it is critically important to understand Cultural Marxism. [Read More] CCN’s NET Cost of Legal Immigration Study has facilitated Progress toward achieving reductions in Legal Immigration. This positive trend follows CCN's widely distributed “NET Costs of Legal Immigration” Study, which reached the White House, Members of Congress, and the Media. The Key Point of the Study is that the large Numbers of LEGAL Immigrants entering the USA annually — about 1.5 to 1.6 Million — generate Huge NET (i.e., after subtracting Taxes Immigrants Pay) Costs to U.S. Taxpayers, i.e., $330 Billion per Year. Importantly, that “over $300 BILLION” Number was noted by Administration sources soon after they received CCN’s Study.
[Read More] Dear CCN Supporter: 1.8 Million Immigrants arrived in the USA in 2016 (U.S. Census Bureau) — the Highest Level in U.S. History. Carrying Capacity Network commissioned economist, John Williams of Shadow Government Statistics, to study the NET fiscal costs of current LEGAL Immigration policy, which allows for an annual inflow of at least 1.5 million legal immigrants. NET Costs of LEGAL Immigration to the U.S. Taxpayer, the study concludes: ...[Read More]
Most American citizens would be surprised to learn that each of us—including our children—pays (or is otherwise denied) an Average of $1000 per year to finance legal immigration?!—(for a family of 5, this is $5,000.00 every year!!) Although IL-legal immigration (which we are more likely to see in the news) also has NET costs to the taxpayer (about $100 billion annually) LEGAL immigration cost many times more—$330 BILLION (NET)—and yet, no one in Washington or the news media seems to think it worth talking about. THIS IS A LOT OF MONEY!!! [Read More] ACTION ALERT!!! The kindness of Americans who want to extend a hand is often and easily abused. So, before reading about Jean Raspail's 1973 novel, here is a heads-up on how it opens: Journalists extol the virtues and suffering of refugees struggling to reach richer shores. When the hordes spill into their new country, these same journalists escape to their personal bolt holes. They don't stay to live with the consequences of the act of kindness they urged on ordinary people.[Read More] ACTION ALERT! Please send the following Letter Dear Congressperson, How would you like to tell your constituents that there was an extra $1,000 each year average for them to spend because their taxes had been lowered? That would be a Tax Savings of $758,000,000 ($758 MILLION!) average for each Congressional District each year. According to a study by noted Economist, John Williams, which can be viewed at Carrying Capacity Network [1] which sponsored the Study, U.S. Taxpayers pay out a NET $330 BILLION ANNUALLY on LEGAL Immigration. That is, MASS LEGAL Immigration costs U.S. tax-payers $330 BILLION per YEAR AFTER SUBTRACTING ALL TAXES IMMIGRANTS PAY. [And this $330 Billion does NOT include the additional NET amount of Taxes State and Local Taxpayers pay to finance this LEGAL Immigration.] Thus the 330 Million Americans pay, on Average, Annual Federal Tax of $1000.00 each to fund the $330 BILLION Annual NET Cost of Legal Immigration. [Approximately 62% of those Costs fund Immigrant Health Care, Health Insurance, and Welfare.] Indeed, the Federal Deficit Faces a $3.3 Trillion Additional NET Hit in Next Decade, Without a Reduction in the 1.5 Million Annual LEGAL Immigrant Inflow. Further, the study shows that LEGAL immigrants have displaced more than 5.9 million native-born workers from their jobs since the onset of the Great Recession. That is an average of 13,600 workers or voters per congressional district in the last 10 years, plus their families*. This Annual Tax-Payer Expense Of $330 Billion divided by the 435 Congressional Districts equals, on average, $758 million that could eventually be spent within each of these districts annually. That’s an average of $1000.00 per person in each District** that the 330 Million Americans pay to support LEGAL Immigrants. How many of your constituents do you believe know (or would even believe) that this situation has evolved over recent decades? You may not have been in office when this began, but you are there now. —WHAT CAN BE DONE: Reduce the 1.5 million plus LEGAL immigrant flow into the U.S. (for all Categories of immigrants including refugees) to the same number of U.S. citizens who migrate out of the U.S. annually—appx.150,000—by imposing an all-categories-included CAP. And issue these LEGAL immigrants conditional green cards with the conditions of English Language Proficiency, no Felonies or Misdemeanors, and no applications for entitlements for 10 years. They must demonstrate their desire and ability to become good U.S. citizens. Now for the really tough question. How are you going to explain to your constituents what you are going to do about this Costly MASS LEGAL Immigration? Answer: Tell them you are going to sponsor an all-categories-included Zero-Net MORATORIUM Bill. Couldn’t these U.S. Taxpayer dollars be better spent? How much is The Wall going to cost? How much is the infrastructure program supposed to cost? And what about the Oppressive National Debt? To: Immigration Reduction Supporters: please send this letter to your Representatives and your friends, and follow up with visits to District Offices and phone calls including phone calls to your Representatives via the Congressional Switchboard:202-224-3121 or 800-828-0498. And, FOR LETTERS/CALLS/VISITS TO U.S. SENATORS—Multiply the number of Congressional Districts in your State by $758 MILLION so you can tell your Senators how much LEGAL Immigration is costing Federal Taxpayers in your State. And...Please help CCN Distribute and publicize this Study far and wide by making a secure Credit Card tax deductible Donation NOW at our website, Carrying Capacity Network, Carrying Capacity Network, Inc. NOW. Congress is working on Immigration legislation NOW. Requesting your Representatives sponsor a Zero-Net Moratorium bill and Donating to CCN maximizes our Political Leverage for lower numbers far more than pushing the half-measures advocated by the Mass Immigration Management Groups. Indeed, their pushing Bills which would only cut Mass Immigration by about half is Counterproductive because it sends the Message that Mass Immigration is OK if we just reduce it a bit. *The protection of jobs held by your constituents would begin substantially from day one of a Moratorium Implementation. **The massive savings will not occur all at once because of the “Cost Legacy” U.S. Taxpayers have ALREADY unknowingly been committed to, to pay costs resulting from LEGAL Immigrants already in the U.S. MEDIA NOTE: Media wishing to conduct interviews or ask questions should email their contact info to: Links: CARRYING CAPACITY on Twitter: @CCNetworkOrg GAB: @CarryingCapacity, on Blogger: Carrying Capacity Network and now on WordPress Carrying Capacity Org
see [Read Further]
Mass Alien Amnesty Threat Intensifies via SIX! Merged Bills
Dream Act Amnesty Stalking Horse for CIR Mass Alien Amnesty!
Intensifying Alien Invasion Imminent -- Help Stop It!
2023 Threats! --URGENT Funding Request– Carrying Capacity Network
Mass Alien Amnesty includes Violent DACAs -- Help stop it!
New MEGA Mass Alien Amnesty Threat -- Help stop it
10/28/2022 ------ CCN Activists,
Given the publicity generated by the transport of the
Illegals into, and then out of, the Martha's Vineyard "Sanctuary" the Open Borders crowd
feels compelled to do something about the quarter million
Illegals flooding across the border every month and being
bused or flown to every State ...
[Read Further]
CULTURAL MARXISM -- An Increasing Threat to the USA? Help CCN Defeat it!
08/19/2022 ------ CCN has been working to Expose and Oppose Curtural Marxism since it first published Michael Lind’s brilliant essay below 12 years ago. Since then Marxism has become increasingly powerful, but fortunately has also become more widely recognized for the Threat that it is. see
[Read Further]
July 6, 2022 - Negative Impacts of Immigration--Legal and Illegal Amnesty Threat- & Solutions -- CCN ALERT!
------In 2017 CCN took the lead in calculating the NET (after subtracting taxes immigrants pay) Costs of LEGAL immigration to U.S. taxpayers
and has formulated SOLUTIONS (see below) to the Negative Impacts of both Illegal and Legal
----- And since 2019 Cis,org has published Compendia demonstrating all of these Negative impacts, see
[Read Further]
June 14, 2022 - Stop Blanket Asylee Admissions & Illegals secretly sent to many States -- CCN ALERT!
Mass Alien Amnesty Bill still Threatens!
On May 26, the Senate voted down! S.J.Res.46, a joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval of the Biden administration’s recently proposed asylum rule explicitly designed to speed up approval of frivolous asylum claims. To INSTANTLY legalize, in other words, the illegals flooding across the Border
June 2022 - Stop Biden's attempt to Approve Frivolous Asylum claims --
and Stop the Mass Alien Amnesty Bill which still threatens -- CCN ALERT!
On May 26, the Senate voted down! S.J.Res.46, a joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval of the Biden administration’s recently proposed asylum rule explicitly designed to speed up approval of frivolous asylum claims. To INSTANTLY legalize, in other words, the illegals flooding across the Border
May 2022 - Mass Alien Amnesty Impending via Title 42 Scam, but NO Worker Shortage -- CCN ALERT!
With Title 42 set to Expire later this month the THREAT of a multimillion Alien Amnesty, plus virtually uncapped Legal Immigration grows ever nearer and COULD PASS ANY DAY -- HELP STOP IT!
ACTION; Contact your Members of Congress and insist they Save Title 42 for Health reasons, HOWEVER,
insist that they NOT use any Bill saving Title 42 as a PRETEXT for enacting an Illegal Alien Amnesty and/or
increasing Legal Immigration in any way which some Open Borders Reps. plan to do.
In sum, the Open Borders Reps' "Save Title 42" Effort/Bill is a COVER for Asylum for ALL the Millions of Illegals in the USA plus those incoming, plus a dramatic increase in legal Immigration.
[Read Further]
Deception Attempt CLOSER to pass Alien Amnesty via "Save Title 42"--Help STOP it -- CCN ALERT!
Deception Attempt CLOSER to pass Alien Amnesty via "Save Title 42" -- Help STOP it -- CCN ALERT! With Title 42 set to Expire later this month the THREAT of a multimillion Alien Amnesty, plus virtually uncapped Legal Immigration grows ever nearer HELP STOP IT!
AMNESTY THREAT DOUBLED with "Alliance for a New Immigration Consensus" --CCN ALERT!
April 2022: In addition to the "New Alien Amnesty Bill Threat--GOP Sponsored!! Help stop it!" about which
CCN recently warned (see below)
Another Threat NOW looms via the "Alliance for a New Immigration
Consensus " fundamentally a lobbying group for the Cheap Labor Lobby [Read Further]
New Alien Amnesty Bill Threat--GOP Sponsored!! Help stop it!
Since we and our ASAP Coalition Allies were instrumental in stopping the Democrat sponsored Mega-Amnesty [Read Further]
Adult Male Criminal Migrants flown all over USA with Taxpayer $! --Help stop this!!
CCN activists FIRST, and more recently a few Independent Media, have documented NIGHT FLIGHTS, many carrying Adult Male Illegal Aliens , some with Criminal Records, and/or Covid and/or Cartel Drug smugglers,, and/or terrorists, all over the USA . Over the last nine months these NIGHT FLIGHTS have cost taxpayers $340 MILLION! (Breitbart News) [Read Further]
Mass Alien Amnesty Threat Intensifying! Help Stop It NOW!
USA's Only Genuine National Mass Immigration Moratorium Group--CCN--DONATE NOW [Read Further]
Mass Alien Amnesty Threat Intensifying! Help Stop It NOW!
37,000,000. -- Thirty-seven MILLION! Aliens would be given Green (i.e. permanent resident) Cards via the House passed Budget Reconciliation Bill NOW being considered by the Senate!! [Read Further]
600,000 ILLEGALS sent all over USA, Help tell us WHERE It's Important!
per Tom Homan Former Acting ICE Director on 10/24/21 ": in 2021 600,000 Illegals were removed from Border to many States"...Help tell us where exactly [Read Further]
$ One Trillion Mass Amnesty and Explosion of Legal Immigration in Reconciliation Bill
The Democrat controlled House has recently approved giving an Amnesty and path to Citizenship and voting rights to 8 Million of the 36 Million Illegals in the USA as one of the $5 Trillion "Reconciliation" Bill Giveaways. [Read Further]
Amnesty Threat in Budget Reconciliation Bill -- Act NOW!
"OPPOSE_ allowing Amnesty for illegal aliens to be put into an unrelated bill like the infrastructure bill or to be considered or passed through budget reconciliation [Read Further]
Biden Adm. Push for Amnesty/Citizenship for Millions Illegals & Legals--$ Multi-Trillions Cost AMNESTY FOR 36 MILLION ILLEGALS IN USA??!!
Senate Democrats are seeking to slip an amnesty for potentially millions of illegal aliens into an infrastructure deal and lobbying President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to support such a maneuver.
According to the Miami Herald, Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) is urging Harris to get behind a plan by Senate Democrats that would put amnesty provisions for illegal aliens into an infrastructure deal.[Read Further]
Kathy McKee is a leading Envionmentalist and Mass Immigration Reduction advocate who founded Protect Arizona Now which sponsored Proposition 200, the "Arizona Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act," an Arizona state initiative passed in 2004 that requires
[Read Further]
Border Outrage Spreading across USA--Help stop it via Double Match Offer
According to a recent report by The Washington Post, ICE removed fewer than 3,000 criminal illegal aliens in April 2021. This is the lowest monthly enforcement number since the department began keeping records 200,000 illegals crossed the Border in March alone and these illegals come from over 70 countries round the world.[Read Further]
Open Borders Reps. push $ 1.3 Trillion Alien Amnesty Bills to Senate-- Help stop them More Covid coming too!
House Bills cosponsors U.S. Reps Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-40), Rep Nydia Velázquez (NY-07) and Yvette D. Clarke (NY-09) pushed,H.R. 6, the American Dream and Promise Act through the House this month and on to the Senate. It would not only enable U.S.-raised immigrant youth known as “Dreamers” to earn lawful permanent residence and American citizenship but also includes protections and a path to citizenship for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) recipients and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) beneficiaries.[Read Further]
Help stop Democracy Destroying H.R. 1--another Marxist spawn
H.R. 1 will make permanent all of the unconstitutional and underhanded practices that made the 2020 election such a disaster. It is full of unconstitutional policies that the Leftists/Marxists founders of the "Cancel Culture" want to use to further hijack America’s election processes. [Read Further]
Amnesty Bill/s & E/Os Threaten/s Americans and USA!
1. Eight-Year ‘Path to Citizenship including Citizenship for previously deported Alien Criminals!
The legislation calls for an eight-year path to U.S. citizenship for illegal immigrants that would include going through a process of becoming a legal resident. The Biden-backed legislation is more lenient than the proposal in 2013 that stretched the pathway to citizenship over 13 years. To be covered by the bill, an immigrant would have had to be in the United States before Jan. 1, 2021. That would include illegal immigrants who rushed the border after the 2020 election, up until 20 days before Biden’s inauguration as president. After five years of temporary legal status, an illegal immigrant would have to wait another three years to get citizenship. [Read Further]
Caravans coming again! Help CCN resist the Invasion!
And Mexico just restricted the presence of U.S. Law Enforcement Intelligence Personnel in Mexico which will give The Cartels a free hand in human trafficking and drug running across the U.S. southern border. And a Biden administration would implement a 100 day ban on deportations, and reverse the policy of making asylee claimants wait in Mexico until their claims are decided. Result: tens of thousands rush the Border.. [Read Further]
Mass Immigration Threat Intensifies in Lame Duck Congress — Help Us Stop It
Some Legislators in a Lame Duck Congress feel less motivated to Act in the Public’s Interest and more responsive to Special Interests such as the Cheap Labor/Open Borders Lobby. Thus, the Threat of an Open Borders Lobby Success is arguably greater than last year.
Candidates’ Immigration Positions
Mass Immigration Threat Intensifies
— Help CCN Defeat It
CCN Activists’ Success Wins Another $$$ Match Offer to Counter Impending Threats
Counter the Power Grab! — Help Save the U.S.A.
Help Push for a Permanent Moratorium — Save Job Opportunities for Unemployed Americans Only
Make Permanent Zero-Net Moratorium on Legal Immigration and
Halt All Work-Based Visas Now — Include H1B and H1A Visas
Any and all job opportunities should be reserved for American Citizens Only, for the Foreseeable Future. This means Halting all H1B and H1A hires permanently, Inter Alia.
All other immigration must be included in the All-Categories-Included Zero-Net Moratorium on Legal Immigration. Help CCN make the Moratorium Permanent.
Former Senator, Jeff Sessions, makes the case:[Read More ...]
Congratulations, Carrying Capacity Network!
Italian Disaster is USA’s Future Unless CCN’s Solution Adopted
Foreign Workers First Clauses in Democrats’ CoronaVirus Bill – Help Stop it.
CCN Activists' Success Wins New $$$ Match Offer to Counter New Threats
Legalized Immigrant with Gonorrhea Rapes 4-Year-Old Twin Sisters
That such a Rapist Monster can become legalized and, apparently, now a U.S. Citizen, demonstrates, once again, that the USA’s Legal Immigration System (and especially the uncapped categories like Asylees) are Magnets for Illegals and other Criminals.
The Ongoing Displacement of Americans Out of Our Own Country — Guest Essay Excerpts
CCN Activists Betrayed by Midnight Deal
Help Stop Amnesties 2019 Now!
& Insist Congress give us Citizens a $330 Billion Christmas Present
CCN Activists Lead Stoppage of Jobs Giveaway Bill & Win $$$ Match Offer
But New Massive Amnesty Threat Looms — Help Us Stop It Now!
Opportunity to Multiply Our Success
— Donor Match Offer
Help PUSH CCN’s Solution
$330 Billion /Year NET Taxpayer Cost for Legal Immigration!
Help Stop It with CCN’s Solution
Secret Dealing to Kill Americans’ Jobs & Increase Mass Immigration
Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) tried to push through his Job Killing S.386 which would admit 300,000 Indian workers per year plus their families plus others, on Unanimous Consent (i.e., without hearings or votes). But this was temporarily stopped by Senators Perdue (R-GA) and Paul (R-KT) who subsequently lifted their objections.
Oppose/Expose S.386 USA Jobs Giveaway & Sellout Senators
Stop Giveaway of 300,000 Prime American Jobs!
S.386 (H.R. 1044-Companion Bill Disaster) Is Stoppable IF
[Read More]
MASS Legal Immigration — An Intensifying Threat
Indeed, the large numbers of “Slots” Available to Legal Immigrants (e.g., the de facto Unlimited Asylee Category) creates a Magnet effect for Illegals. [Read More]
Costs YOU Pay for Legal & Illegal Immigration
— Help Stop These!
The Only Way to Stop Mass Illegal Immigration
Needed Illegal Immigration Reduction Actions . . .
[Read More]
Funding Bill Threatens Children; Increases Legal & Illegal Immigration!
Contact Congress NOW!
The Open Borders Lobby wants Permanent Residency and Citizenship for the DACA and TPS Cohorts. Compromise/Trade offers are being made.
But if we all push Congress hard now, we can get dramatic reductions in Legal Immigration via Elimination of the Visa Lottery and Chain Migration. [Read How:]
YES! Physical Barriers Work!!
Crime has dropped dramatically in San Diego and El Paso since Border Barriers were Installed!
Tell your Representatives to FULLY FUND (i.e., with $$25 Billion!!) A BARRIER NOW!!
And tell them you are Fed Up with paying Over 65,000 Dollars NET Cost Per Illegal Alien remaining in the USA! [Read More Here]
Over 65,000 Dollars NET Cost Per Illegal Alien in USA! Excluding Descendants
...but Cost to Deport is $5,915 Each—so BUILD THE WALL and End Catch and Release [Read More Here]
Contact Your Senators NOW! to Fund The Wall & Reduce Legal Immigration!
[Read Immediate Action Alert]
$6.3 BILLION per week=NET Cost of 29,000 Legal Immigrants per Week
29,000 Immigrants / Week Cost Us U.S. Taxpayers $6.3 BILLION / Week NET!
29,000 Immigrants / Week Cost Us
[Read More]
29,000 Immigrants / Week Cost Us
U.S. Taxpayers $6.3 BILLION / Week NET!Unsustainable 1.5 Million Annual Legal-Immigrant Influx
Costs U.S. Taxpayers $330 Billion NET (i.e., after subtracting Taxes Immigrants Pay) per Year* NET, i.e., $758 MILLION per Year for EACH Congressional District
(does not include State & Local Costs to Taxpayers)
See CCN's Cost of Immigration StudyFederal Deficit Faces a $3.3 Trillion Net Hit in Next Decade,
Without a Reduction in the 1.5 Million Annual Legal-Immigrant Inflow
More than 5.9 Million Native-Born American Workers Displaced Since 2005 If you want to stop this Expensive nonsense, Carrying Capacity Network has The Solution.
Read on.
Help Get REAL Immigration Reduction Bill NOW!
And between 1.5 and 1.6 Million of these were LEGAL Immigrants. California received over 400,000 LEGAL Immigrants that year and, under current law that flow continues. And there were 702,000 VISA Over-stayers in 2017, and 500,000 Illegal Aliens crossed the Border that year! [Read More]
Help CCN push it!!Consider the NET Costs of LEGAL Immigration to the U.S. Taxpayer
Mass-LEGAL Immigration Costs U.S. Taxpayers
$330 Billion per Year NET
Camp of the Saints —Tijuana! NOW!! Act NOW!
recommended to Congress in 1996
$1000.00 Per American Per Year—LEGAL Immigration NET Costs to
U.S. Taxpayers & CCN’s SOLUTION
to Your Congressional Representatives
— Ask your Friends to do the Same
or by sending a check to:
P O Box 457
San Francisco, CA 94104-0457
It is critically IMPORTANT TO ACT NOW, because the legislation now being considered will likely set Immigration Policy for Years!
[1] Net Cost of Legal Immigration Study
Carrying Capacity Network
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