Carrying Capacity Network Action Alert
October, 2009
Carrying Capacity Network
ASAP! Coalition E-Alert
As anticipated, Congressman Barney Frank is far from allowing either an up or down vote on Ron Paul's Bill, H.R. 1207, to Audit the Fed.
Reuters reports that, "Rep. Barney Frank, the influential chairman of the Financial Services committee, said any audit authority over the Fed should be part of an overall regulatory reform package that considers the Fed's future role as a systemic risk regulator or shifts its consumer protection functions to a new agency. This also should place some new controls on the 13-3 authority, which greatly expanded the Fed's activities during the financial crisis."
Without concerted pressure, the Audit the Fed Bill will not get a clean up or down vote. It could become enmeshed in larger legislation that would likely result in the private, for-profit Fed acquiring more power, and the Congress gaining nothing in oversight or insight into the Fed's activities.
Contact your Representative, and Senators, and Congressman Frank and tell them you want:
-- an up or down vote on a CLEAN UNAMENDED Audit the Fed Bill H.R. 1207 in the House and S 604 in the Senate!
-- for them to cosponsor the Abolish The Fed Bill -- H.R. 2755 -- and that there is no reason for a private for-profit institution such as The Fed to continue making billions of dollars printing (keystroking) dollars for free and lending them to American taxpayers with interest!
-- transfer of the Fed's functions to our U.S. Treasury as intended by The Founders.
The eAlert below as well as previous CCN publications demonstates the Fed is the primary cause of the financial and economic ills we suffer today. Paying the Fed interest on the flat currency it creates out of thin air drives frantic efforts to grow (how else can interest on debt be repaid)? This growth-above-all practice becomes a rationale for mass immigration. Stability cannot return to our system so long as The Fed skims profits off the top. The Fed should be abolished and its functions assumed by the U.S. Treasury.
Please help support us in this critical work by visiting www.carryingcapacity.org and donating as much a you can. Our country's future financial and economic health depends on the outcome of this crucial battle in Congress!
Carrying Capacity Network
ASAP! Coalition E-Alert
House Bill 1207, The Federal Reserve Transparency Act, seeking to audit the Federal Reserve has quietly gained more than 280 sponsors in the House of Representatives and is now gaining momentum in the Senate (S604). The issue has had something of a hearing in the House Financial Services Committee, chaired by Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA). But Congressman Frank is notoriously unwilling to confront the issue of Federal Reserve oversight, and has continued his evasion, stating through his office that he has not yet taken a position on this bill. Even Frank himself stated that the Federal Reserve has too much power, but said “It’s the law, there is nothing we can do about it.” Certainly the Congressman hasn’t forgotten that it was Congress who gave the Federal Reserve its power in the first place, and it would take little more than the passage of a bill such as House Bill 1207 to take some of that power away.
The Federal Reserve is neither a Federal institution, nor a reserve of any kind. It is a small consortium of large, privately-owned, for-profit banks, whose identity is kept secret, that have been authorized by Congress to set monetary policy and create money out of thin air, for profit. In a rare interview with 60 Minutes, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke states that Congress, rather than using the U.S. Treasury to create new money at no cost, allows the Fed to create money with a simple ledger entry, which the Fed then loans back to the government, at interest, which is paid by the taxpayer. In fact, almost $2 trillion in government bailout money has been created by the Fed with just a few simple ledger entries. At this very moment, the government is paying millions of dollars in interest daily, which could be saved by having the U.S. Treasury create the money instead.
Worst of all, there is virtually no oversight over ANY of the money created and distributed by the Fed and no say over how or where it is spent. In a video that is nothing short of infuriating, the Federal Reserve’s own Inspector General states that even she does not know who has received more than $2 trillion in bailout money nor does she know how those who did receive it have spent it. She also states that the she has never audited the Federal Reserve, which is the Inspector General’s primary responsibility under the law. This lack of oversight has led to $11.9 billion being funneled though insurance giant AIG to investment bank Goldman Sachs and billions more to other Fed banks. The fact that Congress and U.S. Taxpayers are not told to whom The Fed lends or gives money is outrageous. The reality is that the Fed purposefully keeps this information secret. When the Fed was asked by the government to turn over documents disclosing lending practices and financial information, they provided only heavily redacted documents where large portions of the documents were blacked out or altogether missing.
The Federal Reserve is so concerned over the results of an audit that they have hired, using taxpayer dollars, a public relations lobbyist, to lobby Congress not to pass House Bill 1207. Given the level of secrecy and self-dealing within the Federal Reserve, it should come as no surprise that the new hire, Linda Robertson, was a former employee of Enron, the now-defunct energy company found to be falsely inflating profits in what was, at the time, the largest financial scandal in U.S. history. This scandal has since been dwarfed by Fed bankers, who have produced the largest financial debacle in world history.
The Federal Reserve Transparency Act is a compromise bill, seeking simply to audit self-interested, private bankers that have been totally exempt from any oversight, yet are responsible for almost half of this country’s annual debt. In 2008, the U.S. government paid the Fed an astounding $451 billion in interest payments alone. This year, that number is set to reach about $675 billion. These figures represent INTEREST PAYMENTS, not principal payments, which means our overall debt to the Fed of more than $2.5 trillion, goes up, but never goes down. If the Federal Reserve Transparency Act is brought to the House floor for a vote, it is widely accepted that the bill will pass the House with little trouble (it is not hard to see why). With overwhelming support from the House, the pressure for the Senate to pass the bill will be overwhelming. The real question is, will Congressman Barney Frank release the bill and allow the vote? He may be attempting simply to stall the vote long enough for the Fed’s new PR wizard (who was previously lobbyist for Enron) to lobby against the bill.
In a recent hearing, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke issued what many view as a threat to stall the economy, if the Fed were audited, saying it would “be highly destructive to the stability of the financial system.” Just last week, several of the largest websites supporting the Federal Reserve Transparency Act were broken into (known as “hacking”) and either destroyed or taken offline. The Fed bankers will stop at nothing to retain their stranglehold on our economy and line their own pockets. Take these simple steps to encourage policymakers to stop wasting TRILLIONS of dollars and use the U.S. Treasury to create new money, not the Federal Reserve.
Call Barney Frank! As Chairman of the Financial Services Committee, Barney Frank has the authority to hold hearings on the bills, instead of ignoring the issue. Instead of using existing statutes as an excuse for letting the Fed control U.S. monetary policy, he should work to change or eliminate those statutes. Contact his office and let him know that you want the government to stop needlessly wasting hundreds of billions of dollars every year, enriching a small group of private bankers. You will need to call or write his office, as Congressman Frank does not have an email address.
Congressman Barney Frank
2252 Rayburn Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-5931 (202) 225-5931
Call your Senators and Congressman and ask that they support House Bill 1207 to audit the Federal Reserve as well as House Bill 2755 to abolish the Federal Reserve.
Contact your Congressional Representative in the House! Spread the Word! Many people, even legislators, are unaware of how the Federal Reserve operates and how U.S. monetary policy is set. The banks (several foreign) who own the Federal Reserve are kept secret and there is no transparency as to how they operate. This needs to change. Please pass the information in this letter along to anyone that may be interested. Go to
www.carryingcapacity.org to support CCN's efforts!
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