Carrying Capacity Network Action Alert
The Open Borders Crowd, having failed last year to pass "Comprehensive Reform" (i.e. Amnesty) is clearly well on its way to getting Amnesty/Open Borders in pieces this year.
--H.R. 1843 (Unlimited Foreign Workers) has over 150 Sponsors in the House and 39 in the Senate and a Discharge Petition has been filed to Fast Track it, as we earlier informed you!
-- Senator Feinstein (D-Ca) added a de facto Ag. Jobs Alien Amnesty provision to the giant Iraq spending Bill last week. Illegal Aliens would be required to remain working in Agriculture for five years after passage -- a Mandatory Amnesty! -- And Families and Non-Agricultural workers (H-2B) would be Amnestied too!
-- Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Ca) introduced five targeted Bills, one of which would allow ALL foreign Doctoral and Master's graduates from U.S Universities to bypass H-1B status and immediately apply for permanent residence, thus further displacing American workers.
-- The Bush Administration is pushing a provision giving hundreds of Millions of Dollars to Mexico's Military ostensibly to fight Drug Cartels, when in fact it is alleged that Mexico's Military aids and abets the Drug Cartels and illegal Alien Border Crossers.
-- The Bush Administration is also moving ahead with a plan to allow Mexican trucks to travel on U.S. Roads -- overriding congressional opposition -- with consequent greatly increased risk.
-- A Superb Bill, the "Fence by Date Certain Act" (H.R. 4987) which would mandate construction of a physical fence, is being undercut by the push for the SAVE Act (H.R.4088) because the SAVE Act would only mandate a Virtual Fence,
which is no fence at all. While the SAVE Act has some good provisions, we can not support it because of the substitution of a virtual fence for a real fence and also because it would mandate a proto-National ID card for U.S. citizens.
And for those who might think having a physical fence does not matter, consider the U.S. State Department's Alert issued this Spring which said that..."the equivalent to military small-unit combat.." is taking place just across the southern U.S. border in Mexico, and that Americans are being kidnapped and murdered there..... For example, "Dozens of U.S. citizens were kidnapped and/or murdered in Tijuana in 2007", the Alert states. Tijuana is just across the border from San Diego.
This State Department Alert lends credibility to the many anecdotal reports that combat, kidnappings and murders are occurring on our side of the border as well.
-- Remember, nearly 90% of the United States' Population growth of 5 Million annually results from Immigration (about half from legal, and half from Illegal in the last decade) and the children of recent immigrants. And each Immigrant-headed family imposes net costs of $3, 408 annually on U. S. Taxpayers!
ONLY ONE Initiative can succeed in generating enough pressure on Congress to stop the Bad Bills, get real reductions, and a physical fence:
Insist that Members of Congress and the Management of so-called Immigration 'Reform' Groups PUSH for a zero-net-MORATORIUM on Legal Immigration and a Physical Fence at the Border as their First Priority.
Failing to PUSH for a zero-net-MORATORIUM and a Physical Fence is giving the Open Borders crowd the signal that they can defeat us in Increments, and wear down our resistance.
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Help push “Fence by Date Certain Act” (H.R. 4987)!
Help push a “Salvation from Mass Immigration” Bill --Zero-Net-Immigration MORATORIUM
The American Economy is moving into a Deepening Recession and Unemployment is Rising, but that hasn’t stopped leading House Republicans and Democrats from putting a Bill allowing UNLIMITED FOREIGN WORKERS on the fast track to passage!
The deceptively tilted “Save Our Small and Seasonal Business Act” H.R. 1843 sponsored by Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich), and pushed by Republican Conference Chairman Adam Putnam (R-Fla) would allow UNLIMITED temporary non-agricultural workers to come work in the USA.
Rep. Charles Boustany (R-La) recently filed a Discharge Petition when the Bill garnered over 145 Co-Sponsors!
This Bill now becomes a Real Threat to pass! The Companion Bill in the Senate (S.B. 988) has 39 Co-Sponsors already!
That Bill attacks the livelihoods of Americans working in Construction, Landscaping, Food Services, Tourism, and related industries. They need help in stopping this Bill or they can kiss their jobs goodbye!
And of course all of us would be paying increased taxes to provide Education, Health Care, and Social Services to these workers and their families if the Bill passes, just as we do for the legal and illegal immigrants already here!
Instead, PUSH a really good Bill: The “Yes” on “Fence by Date Certain” Act (H.R. 4987, Jones, R-NC) would mandate construction of an actual double layer physical fence along over 700 miles of Border by June, 2009.
This Fence by Date Certain Bill is much stronger than the SAVE Act (H.R. 4088, Shuler, D-NC) which, though it is pushed by Members of Congress whom we admire, has serious flaws. Among the flaws are that it would establish a proto-National ID Card, and would authorize a mere Virtual Fence. Pushing a mere Virtual fence relieves pressure to get an actual Physical Fence built.
So Contact your Members of Congress and Insist:
NO!!…………on H.R. 1843 (Save Our Small and Seasonal Business Act)
NO!!…………on S.B. 988 (Companion Bill to H.R. 1843, in Senate)
YES!!…………on H.R. 4987 (Fence By Date Certain Act)
YES!!…………on Zero-Net-Immigration MORATORIUM, to let Congress know you want an end to Mass Immigration and create pressure to pass good Bills like H.R. 4987.
Visit www.carryingcapacity.org to support our work!