Carrying Capacity Network Action Alert
Alien Amnesty Threat Increases!
Violence at the Border Escalating!
And, Proposed Amnesty of Illegal Aliens Increases Threat
of Violence!
Help CCN Stop Amnesty-Driven Surge in Border Violence
and Crime
Danger escalates for U.S. agents as Mexican criminals step
up attacks on the Border Patrol. A major smuggling tunnel linking
a warehouse in Mexico to a warehouse in San Diego is discovered.
Immigration officials in Laredo, Texas, seize a cache of weapons
believed to be intended for Mexican criminals that includes materials
for explosive devices, assault weapons and machine gun assembly
What is our government doing to protect U.S. citizens from
the crime, drugs and endangerment along our southern border?
In recent months, dozens of U.S. Border Patrol agents patrolling
the Mexican border have been physically attacked. Agents have
been fired upon and pelted with rocks and large chunks of concrete,
including "flaming rocks." These are rocks wrapped in
gasoline-doused cloth and set ablaze.
According to national Border Patrol Chief David Aguilar,
violent assaults are up 108 percent. Law enforcement officials
in some border towns are convinced that the Mexican military
is involved in helping drug smugglers cross the border.
Border Patrol agents have reported being chased and fired
upon by people wearing Mexican military uniforms, driving
military vehicles and carrying assault rifles.
". . . on Jan.13, another agent trying
to stop an illegal entry was hit near the left eye by a
large rock thrown with stunning accuracy from the Mexican
bank. It took 25 stitches to repair the wound." ("Danger
escalates for border agents," The Dallas Morning News,
Discovery of tunnels illustrates dangers of porous U.S.
- Mexican border
In January, U.S. Border Patrol and Drug Enforcement Agency
agents uncovered a major smuggling tunnel originating 100
yards south of the border and ending inside a warehouse
nearly half a mile inside the U.S., in San Diego. The tunnel
housed a sophisticated smuggling operation complete with
electric lighting and an air ventilation system. Just weeks
later another, incomplete, tunnel was found in the same
area. Tunnels such as these are known to be used for smuggling
drugs and illegal aliens; there is, of course, the possibility
that they are also being used to smuggle terrorists and
weapons into the U.S.

Federal agents recovered more than two tons of marijuana
from inside a tunnel running under the border.
Speaking of weapons . . .
In February, U.S. authorities seized an enormous supply of illegal
weapons and homemade
bombs in Laredo, Texas, in connection with a Mexican drug trafficking
battle. Authorities captured 30 homemade bombs, grenade components,
assault weapons, silencers, machine gun assembly kits, bulletproof
vests, police scanners and cash.
What is the Bush Administration doing to secure the border and
stop this violence against U.S. citizens?? Not much. The Administration
and most of Congress seem largely unconcerned about the shocking
incidents taking place on our southern border. Instead, the President
continues to push for the legalization of up to 20 million illegal
aliens currently living in the U.S. (who could then bring their
families, resulting in perhaps as many as one hundred million
additional people in the USA in a few short years!). The tool
is a "guest worker" program that will let the illegal
aliens who are already here stay, with the prospect of then importing
millions of additional foreign workers.
Rewarding illegal behavior with amnesty will only encourage more
illegal immigration and increase crime, violence and threats to
citizens. The voice of experience speaks: A surge in illegal invasion
followed on the heels of the 1986 amnesty, which was to be the
one and only one of its kind.
Even as the violence escalates on the border the Senate is
considering a "guest worker" (amnesty) bill that would
not only legalize up to 20 million illegals but would encourage
a larger flow of illegals and import more crime into the U.S.
Two more outrageous amnesty bills introduced!
Add to the long list of amnesty threats new legislation just
introduced by Senator Pete Domenici (R-NM). This potentially disastrous
proposal, known as the Welcoming Immigrants to a Secure Homeland
(WISH) Act, would not only reward the millions of illegal aliens
already living in the U.S. with amnesty but would admit another
500,000 new "guest workers" plus dependent family
members every year! In addition, all of the "guest workers"
would be allowed to become permanent residents!
February 8 Minuteman
rally big success!
CCN and Minuteman Project
Supporters Rally on Capitol Hill!
CCN staff joined over 100 CCN and Minuteman
Project supporters from all over the country at a rally
held in midwinter conditions on the West Lawn of the Capitol
February 8. The crowd cheered as Minuteman founder Jim Gilchrist
and Congressmen Tom Tancredo (R-CO) and Dana Rohrabacher
(R-CA) took turns at the podium, calling on Congress and
President Bush to secure our borders and reject "guest
worker" programs and amnesty for illegal aliens. Predictably,
the inside-the-beltway Neo-Con mass immigration management
groups, FAIR and Numbers USA, were neither visibly in attendance
nor supportive. The rally was covered extensively by the
media. Thanks to all who attended and for all of the calls
and faxes to the Senate!
A second disastrous bill proposed by Sen. Specter (R-PA)
would also amnesty illegal aliens presently in the country, as
well as double permanent immigration green cards and create an
unlimited foreign "guest worker" program. The bill would
double legal immigration to over two million a year!
The grassroots is working hard to stop this treason, apparently
forcing the pro-open borders crowd to wait for the strategic moment
to strike. First, we heard February; now, as we go to press, the
latest information from Capitol Hill is that the Senate will try
to sneak an amnesty through in or before April. The backdoor strategy
to pass an amnesty shows that they know they are committing treason
against the people.
We must keep up the pressure to oppose an amnesty! Help CCN build
on the success of the Capitol Hill rally and keep up the momentum.
Take Action Today!
1) Call, write, and fax your senators today and demand that they
work to secure our borders. Ask them to oppose any amnesty ("guest
worker") provisions in Senator Specter's bill, or any bill
that would increase immigration. Indeed, ask them to support a
moratorium on all immigration in excess of 100,000 per year.
You can reach your senators by calling the Congressional switchboard
at (202) 224-3121. Fax and E-Mail contact information can be found
at www.congress.org
2) WE VERY MUCH NEED YOUR HELP. The Bush Administration is soliciting
millions of dollars, planting news stories, and trying to ram
an amnesty through Congress and pass a bill doubling immigration!
But resistance to this scam is building and together we can stop
Please go to www.carryingcapacity.org
and click on "SUPPORT CCN" at the top of the page to
send your donation today!
Note: CCN is anti-mass immigration
but NOT anti-immigrant.
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