Carrying Capacity Network Action Alert
March, 2014
Carrying Capacity Network
The following Critical Issues are increasingly related:
1. Stopping Mass Immigration and
2. Stopping President Obama from Ruling by Executive Order on Immigration and other matters and
3. Stopping the Obama Administration from circumventing Congress by issuing Administrative Orders.
Yes, related.
Consider the most recent Outrageous Circumvention of Congress. Just this March, 2014 the Obama Administration's USCIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services) issued
a "Policy Memorandum" establishing, WITHOUT CONGRESSIONAL
a Policy called "Parole in Place"
"Parole in Place" legalizes and gives taxpayer-funded Military Benefits including presumably Obamacare and Work Permits, to tens of thousands of Illegal Alien Spouses, Children and Parents of American Military personnel. Since taking office in 2009, Obama and his Administrators have issued seventy-six [76] Executive and Administrative {via e.g. “Policy Memoranda”} Immigrant-related Orders that have granted Amnesty and other Benefits, piecemeal, to illegal aliens.
Not only was "Parole in Place" NOT submitted to or approved by Congress, but the Regulation was NOT published in the Federal Register for Public Comment.
"....It sounds very similar to imperial decree if you ask me", said Dan Cadman of The Center for Immigration Studies Imperial Decree Indeed!
"Parole in Place" is just one of over seventy-six (76!) Immigration-Related Executive Orders and Regulatory Decrees issued since Obama took Office.
"Since taking office, President Obama has increasingly pushed the boundaries on Executive Power beyond their Constitutional Limits" stated Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.
The President’s Order establishing the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals" Initiative (DACA) just before the 2012 election. was an unconstitutional enactment of the Dream Act, Goodlatte also noted.
And in February, 2012, an Obama Administration Fiat established a taxpayer-funded Public Advocate position to lobby for Illegal Aliens.
FORTUNATELY, there are now Bills in the House, and a Growing Movement, to stop such Unconstitutional Unilateral Actions.
Ask your Representatives to support Rep. Diane Black's (R-TN) Immigration Compliance Enforcement Act (ICE) (H.R.3732) which would prohibit the use of Federal Funds to fund any such position or Actions.
And the Judiciary Committee just marked up a Bill — the "ENFORCE the law Act of 2014 — H.R. 4138 (Gowdy, R-NC) — to reign in Executive Branch Overreach as well.
Further, the foregoing are NOT isolated instances of Unconstitutional Rule by Decree.
See here the Whole List of Executive and Administrative Orders and Actions compiled by Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Ala) and published on March 16, 2014 that have the effect , inter alia, of letting Illegal Aliens settle down in the United States at taxpayers’ expense:
Senator Sessions' gives his list the title, "Timeline: How the Obama Administration bypassed Congress to dismantle immigration enforcement" (For the full text for each of the following Headings, follow the link above).
- January 2009: Obama Administration Ends Worksite Enforcement Actions
- January 29, 2009: Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano Delays E-Verify Deadline
- April 16, 2009: Secretary Napolitano Delays E-Verify Deadline a Second Time
- June 3, 2009: Secretary Napolitano Delays E-Verify Deadline a Third Time
- March 8, 2010: ICE Inflates Deportation Statistics
- March 16, 2010: DHS Announces Termination of Funding for Virtual Fence Along the Southwestern Border
- May 19, 2010: ICE Director John Morton Announces Termination of Cooperation with Arizona Law Enforcement
- May 27, 2010: Internal ICE Emails Reveal Relaxed Security and New Benefits for Detained Illegal Immigrants
- June 18, 2010: Obama Administration Sues Arizona over Immigration Enforcement Law
- June 25, 2010: ICE Union Casts Unanimous Vote of “No Confidence” in Agency Leadership
- July 14, 2010: Obama Administration Ignores Dangerous Sanctuary City Policies
- July 30, 2010: Leaked U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Memo Reveals Obama Backdoor Amnesty Plan
- August 2010: ICE Memo Stops Agents from Detaining Illegal Immigrants at Traffic Stops
- August 24, 2010: Reports Surface that DHS Is Closing Deportation Cases
- September 8, 2010: Obama Administration Files Supreme Court Brief Supporting lawsuit Challenging Arizona’s E-Verify Law
- September 16, 2010: Leaked DHS Memo Reveals Obama’s Long-Term Plan To Circumvent Congress and Grant “Broad Based” Amnesty
- October 17, 2010: DHS Dismissals of Deportation Cases Up 700 Percent
- December 2010: Internal ICE Emails Reveal Padded Deportation Statistics
- February 15, 2011: DHS Ignores Mandate To Maintain Operational Control of the Border
- March 2, 2011: Morton Administrative Amnesty Memo #1
- March 30, 2011: 9/11 Commission Chair Warns Administration’s Delays of Biometric Exit and REAL ID Risk National Security
- May 10, 2011: Obama Declares the Border Secure and the Fence “Basically Complete”
- June 1, 2011: Obama Administration Ignores New York’s Refusal to Cooperate with Federal Immigration Agents
- June 17, 2011: Morton Administrative Amnesty Memo #2
- June 17, 2011: Morton Administrative Amnesty Memo #3
- June 23, 2011: ICE Union Outraged Over Morton Administrative Amnesty Memos
- June 27, 2011: DHS Cover-Up of Backdoor Amnesty Policy Revealed
- August 1, 2011: Obama Administration Sues Alabama over Immigration Enforcement Law
- August 18, 2011: Administration Begins Case-by-Case Review of Deportation Cases for Purposes of Granting Administrative Amnesty
- September 2, 2011: Treasury Inspector General Reports Government Paying Billions in Tax Credits to Illegal Immigrants
- September 7, 2011: Cook County (Chicago), Illinois Board of Commissioners Votes To Ignore Federal Immigration Law
- September 28, 2011: Obama Admits Deportation Statistics Are “Deceptive”
- October 18, 2011: Obama Administration Ignores Santa Clara County’s Defiance of Federal Immigration Law
- October 18, 2011: ICE Continues To Pad Deportation Statistics
- October 19, 2011: Obama Administration Ignores Washington, D.C.’s Defiance of Federal Immigration Law
- October 28, 2011: Administration Stops Routine Border Searches
- October 31, 2011: Obama Administration Sues South Carolina over Immigration Enforcement Law
- November 7, 2011: USCIS Stops Issuing “Notices to Appear” in Immigration Court for Non-Priority Deportation Cases
- November 17, 2011: ICE Announces Review of Entire Immigration Court Docket in an Effort To Close More Deportation Cases
- November 22, 2011: Obama Administration Sues Utah over Immigration Enforcement Law
- November 22, 2011: Obama Administration Ignores New York City’s Defiance of Federal Immigration Law
- December 11, 2011: Reports Surface That Obama Will Reduce National Guard at the Border
- December 15, 2011: DHS Rescinds Maricopa County, Arizona’s 287(g) Agreement
- December 29, 2011: ICE Creates 24-Hotline for Illegal Immigrant Detainees
- January 5, 2012: DHS Stops Secure Communities in Alabama in Retaliation for State
Immigration Enforcement Law
- January 6, 2012: USCIS Announces Proposal To Permit an Entire Segment of Illegal Immigrant Population To Remain in the U.S.
- January 9, 2012: Inspector General Reveals Rubberstamping of Immigration Applications
- January 16, 2012: ICE Prosecutors Suspend Deportation Proceedings
- January 19, 2012: Obama Uses Executive Order to Eliminate Statutory Interview Requirement for Certain Countries
- February 7, 2012: New ICE Public Advocate for Illegal Immigrants
- February 13, 2012: Obama Budget Slashes 287(g) Program
- April 25, 2012: ICE Voluntarily Dismisses Over 16,500 Deportation Cases
- April 25, 2012: DHS Announces Another Delay of Biometric Exit System
- April 27, 2012: Obama Administration Undermines Successful Secure Communities Program
- June 5, 2012: ICE Deportation Dismissals Up To 20,000
- June 12, 2012: Obama Administration Sues Florida for Effort to Remove Ineligible voters
- June 15, 2012: Obama Bypasses Congress and Unilaterally Implements the DREAM Act
- June 25, 2012: Obama Administration Rescinds Arizona’s 287(g) Agreements in Retaliation for Supreme Court Upholding State Immigration Enforcement Law
- July 6, 2012: Obama Administration Announces Closure of Nine Border Patrol Stations
- August 6, 2012: Administration Admits It Does Not Enforce Public Charge Law
- September 12, 2012: Administration Admits Aggressive Campaign To Recruit Immigrants To Sign Up for U.S. Welfare Programs
- October 4, 2012: Obama Administration Ignores Los Angeles County’s Defiance of Federal Immigration Laws
- December 21, 2012: Morton Administrative Amnesty Memo #4
- January 22, 2013: Obama Administration Files Brief in Support of Challenge to Arizona Law Requiring Proof of Citizenship to Vote
- February 14, 2013: Administration Announces It Approved Nearly 200,000 DACA Applications
- February 26, 2013: DHS Says It Has No Metrics for Determining Whether the Border Is Secure
- February 2013: Obama Administration Uses Sequester as Excuse To Release More Than 2,000 Illegal Immigrants from ICE Custody
- April 10, 2013: Border Patrol Chief Testified Before Congress that Apprehensions Have Increased
- April 23, 2013: Federal Court Holds DHS Does Not Have Discretion To Stop Deportations
- August 23, 2013: Obama Administration Adds Broad New Category of Illegal Immigrants Eligible for Backdoor Amnesty
- October 5, 2013: Obama Administration Ignores California’s Defiance of Federal Immigration Law
- November 15, 2013: Obama Administration Announces More Administrative Amnesty
- November 30, 2013: Administration Has Approved Over 500,000 DACA Applications
- December 13, 2013: Federal Court Rebukes DHS for Aiding Smugglers in Violating U.S. Laws
Yet, contrary to the Obama Administration's expressed claim that they want Americans' Wages raised, they continue to issue Executive Orders and Administrative Decrees as well as to push the Amnesty Bill (S 744) that would depress wages and displace yet more Americans from jobs they now hold, and cost American Taxpayers $6.3 Trillion, net of Taxes Immigrants pay. (Heritage Foundation, cis.org)
As Senator Sessions (R-Ala.) says:
“The President’s top economic adviser has said we need a tighter labor market — a statement completely at odds with the Administration’s foremost legislative goal… [which is] an immigration plan that will dramatically surge the number of workers competing for jobs…” (Sessions' statement to The Daily Caller headlined: "Obama’s top economic adviser presents two different faces when discussing labor market, immigration." The Daily Caller Posted By Neil Munro On 11:14 PM 02/23/2014).
Worst of all, there is increasing Evidence that the Obama Regime is planning to issue a Blanket Administrative Amnesty of all Illegals in the USA!! “Obama Regime Administrative Amnesty Coming to a Head” VDare.com, March 2014.
The only way to Stop this Threat is to INTENSIFY OUR GRASSROOTS OPPOSITION.
PLEASE HELP! As a co-sponsor of the ASAP! Coalition, CCN is pushing ASAP's Plan of Action as follows:
Ask your Representatives, and those who wish to go to Congress in the next session, to make the following PLEDGE:
1) Vote NO on ANY Discharge Petition and/or immigration Bill which could go to conference with, or includes any provisions of, the Senate Bill
2) Vote NO on ANY Amnesty or Work Permits for Illegal Aliens
3) Vote NO on any Bill increasing Legal Immigration, whether via H1(b) increases, or otherwise.
4) Agree to push a zero-net Moratorium Bill in the next Congressional Session (but NOT in this session, because any such Bill would risk coming out of Conference Committee looking like the Horrendous Senate Bill)
5) Oppose all Amnesties or Enforcement Relaxation by Obama Executive Orders or Administrative Decrees
6) Support the “Immigration Compliance Enforcement (ICE) Act, H.R. 3732, and the ENFORCE the law Act of 2014, H.R. 4138, to oppose Government by Executive Decree.
Any Immigration “Amnesty” Tidal Wave Bill or Administrative Decree which enacts an Illegal Alien Amnesty or increases Legal Immigration (we reiterate that the Senate Bill would triple it!) would create a Demographic, Budgetary, Public Health, and Environmental Disaster that is magnitudes greater than Mass Immigration is already creating.
Phone Calls or Office Visits followed by Snail Mail letters are most effective (emails are often ignored and fax machines can be turned off).
So Please help CCN Intensify our Opposition to ANY such Bill NOW!
Only our Massive Grassroots Effort can stop this Rule by Executive Decree and this ill-conceived Open Borders policy!!
Please forward this email to friends and potential supporters.
And one more Very Important Point, The Open Borders Lobby is very well funded by the Cheap Labor Lobby on the Right and various Ethnic Power Groups and Government Benefits Recipients on the Left. We, on the other hand, have no wealthy interest group in our corner. CCN needs everyone who reads this to make a tax-deductible donation, however large or small to CCN NOW so we can intensify our efforts!
Please donate at our website or by snail mail to:
Mailing Address: Carrying Capacity Network | P.O. Box 457 | San Francisco, CA 94104
Street Address: Carrying Capacity Network | 1629 K Street NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC, 20006
Note: CCN is anti-mass immigration, NOT anti-immigrant
Mailing Address: Carrying Capacity Network | P.O. Box 457 | San Francisco, CA 94104
Street Address: Carrying Capacity Network | 1629 K Street NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC, 20006
Note: CCN is anti-mass immigration
but NOT anti-immigrant
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