Carrying Capacity Network Action Alert
March, 2012
Carrying Capacity Network
Help Remove Illegal Alien Criminals from Our Country
The Chinese-American Mayor of San Francisco recently called for federal policies that, if an illegal alien Felon could not be repatriated to country of origin, would prevent that Felon from being returned to the community where he committed the crime.
This Mayoral Call was made in the wake of 5 Murders allegedly committed by an Illegal Alien Vietnamese National whom the Vietnamese government refused to repatriate.
We agree with the Mayor, but much more must be done than only preventing Illegals from returning to the communities where they committed a crime.
WHY? Because one should strike at The Root of The Problem. Stop the illegal alien invasion and advocate a moratorium on all immigration. To deal with the Illegal Alien Invasion, we encourage you to support two bills:
The Scott Gardner Act,(H.R. 3808, Myrick R-NC) named for the youth killed by an Illegal alien who had three DUI convictions. The Bill would require arrest and deportation of any Illegal caught Drinking and Driving.
Also, support the Border Tunnel Protection Act (H.R. 4119, Reyes D-TX), which would facilitate locating cross-Border tunnels and punishing those involved in Illegal Activity.
The Underlying Problem, however, is Mass Immigration fueled in nearly equal parts by illegal and legal entry. Legal immigration must be virtually shut down – a zero-net moratorium – because large Legal Immigrant Communities serve as Magnets and Support Locations for Illegals. Moreover, Mass Legal Immigration adds about 2 Million/year to the U.S. Population.
This Massive flow increases Job Competition for Americans, and is a strain on Education, Health Care and other budgets. The Net (after subtracting taxes immigrants pay) costs of Immigration are many billions.
So when you contact your representatives, also encourage them to pass a zero-net Immigration Moratorium.
Only by pushing a Moratorium simultaneously with pushing good bills can we delegitimize the whole justification for Mass Immigration and thus get reductions.
And please visit Carrying Capacity Network to support CCN in our work.
Thank you,
Carrying Capacity Network