Carrying Capacity Network Action Alert
January, 2012
Carrying Capacity Network
Help Save American Jobs & Reduce Taxpayer Payments To Illegals
Most H1B Visa's are snapped up by a few firms. New immigrant-founded companies are among the most likely to snap up the H1B visas. They then hire new immigrant workers from their own country of origin to fill the H1B jobs.
After 3 to 6 years here, H1B workers are likely to have US-born children, “anchors” that entitle part or all of the family to taxpayer-provided benefits. Many H1B workers over-stay their Visas, thus becoming Illegal Aliens, while all or part of the family still collects benefits.
Yes, many Illegal Aliens claim Child Tax Credits intended for American Citizens and legal residents, by using ITIN's This cost American Taxpayers $4.2 Billion in 2010 alone! When added to the de facto "free"
(i.e. taxpayer funded) health care and education provided to these Illegals the multi-billion net cost
to taxpayers is staggering.
About to make matters worse,the new Rule pushed by Obama would allow these former-H1B workers, and now illegal aliens, to stay and work in the U.S why they apply to "regularize" their status!
The incentives to come and stay in the US, legally or not are major. Is it thus any wonder that all of the net Job growth in the USA in the last decade has gone to new immigrant workers?
The conditions caused by mass legal/illegal immigration are the more dire because recent US job growth is anemic.
Fortunately, a significant respite for tax-payers is on the horizon. Rep Jack Kingston (R-Ga)has introduced the Child Tax Credit Integrity Preservation Act (HR 3444) which would require filers to provide a valid Social Security Number (and not merely an ITIN) to claim the tax credit.
As well, Rep. Diane Black (R-Tn) will soon introduce a companion bill to S 1856 to stop the Obama
Administration lawsuits against states that seek to enforce laws against illegal immigration by prohibiting the DOJ from using taxpayer funds for that purpose.
Please contact your Congressional representatives and ask them to sponsor these two bills.
And since Massive Legal Immigration creates more Job competition for Americans and multi-billion net costs for Taxpayers too, urge your representatives to support a zero-net Moratorium on legal immigration as well!
We need your help to intensify our efforts. Visit www.carryingcapacity.org to support our work.
Thank you
Carrying Capacity Network