Help Stop Mass Legal Immigration Threats!
3/7/2025 - Carrying Capacity Network is a National Nonprofit (501c3) Activist organization working for U.S. immigration reduction, national cohesion, economic sustainability, environmental and personal protection, and resource conservation.
CCN's Legal Immigration Reduction Activist Initiative: Consider
52% of legal Immigrants, 59% of illegal immigrants, but only 39% of native-born Americans use taxpayer funded welfare programs, e.g., cash, food, Medicaid (
Mass Legal Immigration greatly increases housing costs and greatly decreases housing availability (
Mass Legal Immigration greatly decreases employment opportunities for the Native Born, e.g.: Foreign-born employment up 2.9 million, U.S.-born down 183,000. (
NET (i.e.: after subtracting taxes immigrants pay) Cost of Legal Immigration to U.S. taxpayers: $330 billion per year. (
CCN sponsored and distributed a Study of the pre-pandemic NET (after subtracting Taxes immigrants pay) Costs of LEGAL Immigration. Among the Findings:
Unsustainable 1.5-1.6 Million Annual Legal-Immigrant influx Costs U.S. Taxpayers $330 Billion/year, i.e., $758 MILLION/YEAR NET for EACH Congressional District, not including NET State & Local Costs!
Federal Deficit Faces a $3.3 Trillion Net Hit in the Next Decade, unless a Substantial Reduction in the 1.6 Million Annual Legal –Immigrant inflow is achieved.
More than 6 Million Native-Born American Workers have been Displaced from their jobs by immigrants since 2005, mainly by H1B admittees. Others continue to suffer Wage Depression. (
If Current U.S. policy admitting 1.5-1.6 million legal immigrants per year were allowed to continue, NET costs to the U.S. Federal Tax taxpayer over the next decade would run $3.3 Trillion, in today's dollars. 400,000 Legal immigrants/year settle California (U.S. Census) alone and generate additional State & Local NET Costs.
Mass Legal Immigration fuels illegal-immigration since the "Slots" allowing Legal immigration (e.g., the Uncapped Asylee Category which encourages Child Trafficking, among other travesties) are Magnets for illegal immigrants.
Mass Immigration threatens environmental and personal protection causing species extinctions, paving over farmlands and reduction of ground water supplies requiring some California counties to adopt toilet to tap water supply regimes.
CCN pushes a Zero-Net all-categories included Moratorium on Legal immigration that still allows a 150,000 annual inflow, to match the typical annual outflow, a position which maximizes Political Pressure for Reductions. CCN is a genuine MASS Immigration Reduction Group (certain other National Groups not pushing a Moratorium are merely Mass Immigration Management Groups, a position counterproductive to ever achieving any immigration reductions).
Carrying Capacity Network is pro-legal immigrant, anti-MASS immigration, and co-founder of the Diversity Coalition for an Immigration Moratorium and has legal Immigrants as members.
CCN Activists have had crucial successes, for example: In December 2019 a CCN Activist persuaded his U.S. Senator to refuse to give "Unanimous Consent" to a mass Illegal Alien Amnesty of over 30 MILLION Illegals thus killing the Bill.
Help Expose/Oppose Cultural Marxism CCN Activist Initiative
Cultural Marxism is the Major Force (typically via Academic & Media indoctrination, sometimes Subliminal), pushing Political Correctness, Multiculturalism, Mass Immigration, the "woke" movement as well as attacks on Traditional Institutions and American, indeed Western Civilization.
Therefore, e.g.: It is The Major Force behind ANTIFA, and Defund the Police movements. CCN has worked for a decade to expose/oppose Cultural Marxism, its influence in Politics, the Media and Academia.
See our February, 2025 alert and other postings at Carrying
Help Carrying Capacity Network intensify its Activist Mobilization, Media, lobbying and public education efforts with a tax-deductible donation.
Donate at
or by check mailed to:
Carrying Capacity Network
P.O. Box 457
San Francisco California 94104-0457
Powerful Open Borders Forces in Congress and
the Administration are pushing for increased legal immigration,
so it is important for you to help us stop this push NOW!
CCN is pro-Legal Immigrant but anti-Mass Immigration!
So please Donate NOW to help CCN
successfully oppose adverse developments
Donations are Tax-Deductible.
Thank You!
Credit card at:
Postal check to:
Capacity Network
P.O. Box 457
San Francisco, CA 94104
Carrying Capacity Network, Inc. links:
GAB: @CarryingCapacity
Twitter: @CCNetworkOrg
Enact an all-Categories-included Zero-NET MORATORIUM on Legal Immigration (still allowing 150,000/year)
Give strong hiring preference to Americans, especially the 5.9 Million displaced by immigrants since 2005 (
Complete funding for and Building The Wall.
End Catch and Release of illegal aliens
End Chain Migration and Anchor Baby citizenship
Implement e-Verify.
Require asylum seekers to apply BEFORE entering the USA
Require DNA tests from adults and children claiming kinship
Outlaw Sanctuary Cities and States
Cooperate with our ASAP! Coalition Allies to Achieve these Goals
Pennsylvania Residents: The official registration and financial information of Carrying Capacity Network, Inc. may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.