Carrying Capacity Network Action Alert
U.S. and World Headed for Ecological Collapse if Current Trends Continue
November 2004
– Best-seller Limits to Growth 30-year
Update Finds World in "Overshoot" Mode –
– Mass Immigration Threatens U.S. Sustainability
- U.S Population Doubling Time Now Only 60 Years –
Just over 30 years ago a pioneering book grabbed the attention
of the world with its dramatic and sobering message: without a
drastic change in the rates of economic and population growth,
the planet was headed toward ecological collapse. Harshly attacked
by critics who wanted to dismiss the conclusions presented as
pessimistic exaggeration, The Limits to Growth nevertheless
became an international best-seller and was translated into more
than a dozen languages.
Now, Limits to Growth: The 30 year Update examines
the accuracy of the predictions of 30 years ago and updates us
on the present situation. Unfortunately, if current trends continue:
"The collapse will arrive very suddenly,
much to everyone's surprise."
"Millions of illegal aliens in the
United States would be free from arrest and deportation,
have access to tax-deferred savings accounts and Social
Security credits, and get unrestricted travel to and from
their home countries . . . " (Washington Times, 8/10/2004)
Readers of the latest version of Limits will find some
grim conclusions: The human burden on the natural environment
is already above sustainable levels, and if a profound correction
is not made soon, a crash of some sort is certain to occur within
the lifetimes of many who are alive today. Alarming facts
and statistics paint a picture of a planet in peril:
Major and widespread climate changes have occurred
with startling speed. Roughly half the north Atlantic warming
since last ice age was achieved in only a decade;
The world is facing widespread shortages of our least
substitutable and most essential resource – potable water.
Groundwater sources are being depleted faster than they can
recharge on every continent except Antarctica;
The world's large water bodies contain 61 major dead zones
– areas where virtually all aquatic life has been killed.
The Mississippi dead zone covers 8,000 miles, the size of
the state of Massachusetts;
The Colorado, Yellow, Nile, Ganges, Indus, Chao Phraya, Syr
Darya, and Amu Darya rivers are so diverted by withdrawals
for irrigation and cities that their channels run dry for
some or all of the year;
Mass extinction of plant and animal species is underway
at a rate ecologists say has not happened
since the extinction wave that eliminated the dinosaurs 65
million years ago;
The current atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide
and methane are far higher than they have been for 160,000
Peak oil – meaning the maximum annual production
achievable – followed by decline, is predicted to arrive
within a few years. Some experts claim Peak Oil is Now! Peak
production of natural gas is expected to follow within 20
years. This will severely crimp our ability to grow food
in present quantities, because both fossil fuels are major
inputs in agricultural production;
75 percent of the world's oceanic fisheries have now
been fished at or beyond capacity; and, most alarming,
The world's population growth is on track to increase from
the current 6 billion to over 9 billion people by 2050.
This increase in population will greatly exacerbate the aforementioned
A frightening forecast, indeed. But perhaps not unalterable. The
enclosed synopsis outlines the evidence and identifies the authors'
main conclusions. The Limits To Growth: The 30 Year Update leaves
us with a hopeful, if urgent, message: although the situation
remains precarious, there is still time to bring the Earth back
from the brink of ecological collapse, if we act now.
- The United States is in Overshoot Mode -
As citizens of the United States we don't need to look beyond
our own borders to see the scenario presented in this latest update
unfolding all around us. Consider the following:
One acre of natural habitat and/or farmland is converted
into built-up space or highways for each person added to the
U.S. population;
400 gallons of oil equivalents are expended annually
to feed each American. The U.S. already imports 56% of every
barrel used to meet domestic demand;
Much of the United States Western grain belt is irrigated
by the Ogallala aquifer, which is annually depleted 30-60%
in excess of recharge rates;
Although Americans make up only 4 percent of the world's
population, we produce 25 percent of the carbon dioxide pollution;
The United States (exclusive of Alaska) has lost 95 percent
of its original forest cover;
The U.S. population is now 294 million. If the present growth
rate continues, the U.S. population will exceed 500 million
by 2050 and one billion by 2100. Nearly 90 percent of that
growth will come from mass immigration, if current trends
Currently, the U.S. earns $40 billion per year as the largest
food exporter in the world. If present trends in population
growth, domestic food consumption, energy supplies, and topsoil
loss continue, U.S. food exports will cease by 2040.
According to Limits, the "most essential" step we can
take toward sustainability is to slow and eventually stop exponential
growth of population and physical capital.
year over 3.3 million people are added to the U.S. population.
Nearly 90 percent of that growth results from mass immigration
and the children born to immigrants. This influx puts massive
pressure on our country's resources.
The ecosystem of our country cannot bear another several
hundred million consuming residents.
If we are to avert a catastrophic crash we must work quickly
to stabilize our population, by enacting a moratorium on all
immigration in excess of 100,000 per year, the highest number
that will allow us to achieve population stabilization. Such a
moratorium would dramatically reduce the population growth
that is the primary cause of increased pollution, traffic jams,
sprawl, and environmental degradation in the U.S.
Equally important, reducing immigration into the U.S. would greatly
help sending countries reduce their exploding populations' growth
rates. Studies have shown that allowing high levels of emigration
actually drives up fertility rates in the sending countries.
- New Details of Amnesty Plan Foreshadow Threat
to U.S. Ecosystem -
Guest-worker plan would legalize 8 - 12 million
illegal aliens and increase legal immigration!
CCN has warned about the repercussions of the various proposed
amnesty plans in previous Action Alerts. Previously undisclosed
details of the proposed "guest worker" (amnesty) plan
reveal a scheme to provide "incentives" to encourage
illegal aliens to "come out of the shadows." The
plan would allow 8 - 12 million illegal aliens to remain in our
country indefinitely. Not only that, but the plan would seek
an annual increase in legal immigrants! As we go to press,
both presidential candidates have given every indication of continuing
the push for an illegal alien amnesty when Congress reconvenes!
ONLY CCN and its ASAP Coalition allies have a
realistic solution to Achieve U.S. Population Stabilization
1) Arm yourself with the latest U.S. population and environment
statistics with CCN's new Carrying Capacity Check-up Datasheet.
2004 Immigration Reduction Legislation
1st Priority, H.R. 946: Would enact a five-year
moratorium on most categories of legal immigration to 300,000
annually (ask for an amendment to cap admissions at 100,000
H.R.3992 To amend the National Environmental Policy
Act of 1969 to require preparation of statements regarding
the environmental impacts of legal and illegal immigration.
H.R. 489 Social Security for Americans Only Act
of 2003. Bill to block Social Security dollars to illegal
H.R. 687 Identification Integrity Act of 2003. Bill
to outlaw federal government acceptance of Matricula Consular
Urge your Representative to sponsor these bills in the
next session of Congress, too.
2) Call, write and fax your senators and Representative today
and urge them to oppose any amnesty, whether blatant or disguised.
You can reach your senators and representative by calling the
Congressional switchboard at 202-224-3121. Fax and mailing contact
info can be found at
3) Tell your members of Congress that a moratorium on all immigration
in excess of 100,000 per year is essential to stabilizing the
U.S. population and protecting our resources and environment.
To achieve maximum effect, it is essential that you couple
your opposition to the amnesty with a call for a moratorium on
mass legal immigration. This ensures that congress "gets
the message." Urge your representative to sponsor H.R. 946,
the Immigration Moratorium bill in the next session of Congress,
as well as the other bills listed here.
4) Help us intensify our efforts to stop the amnesty by using
the enclosed business reply envelope to send a special donation
to CCN today. You can also
make a safe, secure, on-line donation.
AND, VITALLY IMPORTANT: In order to multiply our impact,
CCN urgently needs more activist members! Help us increase our
clout by giving a gift membership
to a friend or relative who may not be aware of the costs of mass
Remember, even if we do not succeed in passing a moratorium
in the next session of Congress, the act of pushing for it is
very important, because that act generates pressure to stop "bad"
bills, and to pass "good" ones.
Tell your friends about this page!
Note: CCN is anti-mass immigration
but NOT anti-immigrant.
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