Carrying Capacity Network Action Alert
Amnesty Millions of Illegals
Security, Jobs, and Border Security
Social Security
Serious Immediate Threat - Must Act NOW |
June 2005
Last June, the Bush Administration and Mexico signed a "Totalization"
Agreement, which could provide U.S. Social Security benefits to
millions of Mexicans who are, or were, working illegally in the
United States. The Bush Administration is pushing for approval
of this agreement, and it goes into effect AUTOMATICALLY if it
is not blocked by Congressional action. THIS AGREEMENT GOES INTO
OF DISAPPROVAL. We must act now!
Two pending bills (and one resolution) would prevent
the "Totalization" Agreement from allowing this
raid on our hard-earned Social Security dollars (i.e., all
those FICA payments which have been deducted from our paychecks
all these years).
CCN urges the passage of this legislation. |
Rep. Hayworth (R-AZ) has introduced H.RES.20, expressing the
disapproval of the House of Representatives of the Social Security
totalization agreement between the United States and Mexico. The
resolution currently has 40 cosponsors. CCN position: SUPPORT
H.R. 98 (Dreier, R-CA) would amend the Immigration and Nationality
Act to improve Social Security card standards, create an Employment
Eligibility Database, and other employment verification security
procedures to further enforce restrictions on hiring illegal immigrants.
A unique electronic identification strip added to the Social Security
card would provide security against duplication. The bill would
establish an Employment Eligibility Database maintained by the
Secretary of Homeland Security to enable checking citizenship,
work, and residency status of non-citizens for legal work entry.
Employers would be required to ensure that a worker is eligible
for employment through the new database by swiping the employee's
card for status verification. Most important, the bill specifies
that, "This card shall not be used for the purpose of identification."
CCN position: SUPPORT
H.R. 1438 (Rohrabacher, R - CA) would amend the Social Security
Act to exclude payment of Social Security benefits to those who
were not eligible for employment because of illegal status. CCN
position: SUPPORT
Border Security
The issue of our border security is gathering momentum with the
successful Minuteman Project in Arizona. Grandmothers and grandfathers
sitting in lawn chairs, with cell phone connections to Border
Control resulted in an over 50% reduction in illegal alien traffic.
At the same time, the CIA reports that Al Qaeda has been meeting
with MS-13 alleged drug-running gang members and other "coyotes"
to gain entry into the U.S. through our porous southern border.
Border Security Bills
H.R 1268, the REAL ID Act: As we go to press, the Iraq Spending
Bill has just passed, with Immigration Provisions Intact. Next
the bill goes to the president, who has indicated he will sign
The Good News:
The House/Senate conferees reached an agreement on what
immigration provisions would remain in the Iraq supplemental
spending bill, and we got most of what we wanted. Congratulations
to all of you who made the calls and sent the faxes and
E-mails that helped make the difference.
More Excellent News:
Thanks only to you and CCN's ASAP Coalition Allies, it appears
(Note: Although CCN's reading of the bill supports this conclusion,
some interpretations suggest that the risk may still be there.
CCN will be watching closely to see how the driver's license provisions
play out in the real world).
What we won:
· More money for border patrol, enforcement and deportation
· More Border Patrol agents, Immigration investigators,
Detention and Deportation officers, and more detention beds;
· A De Facto Ban on Driver's Licenses for Illegal Aliens
(States can issue driving certificates to illegals but use of
the certificates is restricted; they cannot be used to board airplanes
or enter federal facilities, for example);
· Completion of the border fence: A section of the fence
on the Southwest California/Mexico border near San Diego that
has never been finished will be completed.
Unfortunately . . .
The bill also includes some bad provisions that will increase
some categories of immigrants:
o A two-year increase in H-2B Visas for low-skilled seasonal workers.
This will allow as many as five times more seasonal foreign workers
to be imported over the next two years than are allowed under
the current annual cap of 66,000. This is the provision known
as the "attack on summer and low wage jobs for the poor and
teenagers . "
o WORSE YET, one provision potentially allows millions of Chinese
citizens to be granted asylum and permanent residence by merely
claiming they are fleeing China 's one-child-per-family policy.
The inclusion of these bad provisions illustrates the flaw in
the NeoCon organizations' incremental "management" approach
to immigration reduction, and the importance of the ASAP strategy
of CAPPING the numbers. Only ASAP Coalition members and sympathizers
are pushing for a moratorium which keeps the focus on overall
NUMBERS.Those organizations which claim their focus is on NUMBERS,
but which do not actually push a moratorium bill, bear considerable
responsibility for allowing these provisions to be included in
the bill. And the provision of a special loophole for the Chinese
could add MILLIONS to U.S. population growth!
We must continue to push for a comprehensive moratorium on all
legal immigration in excess of 100,000 per year.
H.R. 1320 (Reyes, D-TX), the Secure Border Act, would require
work on securing our borders, securing our interior, and security
beyond our borders. The bill would create the Land Border Infrastructure
Improvement Fund, enhance border-monitoring technology, provide
sufficient training for border personnel, establish a comprehensive
border security strategy, enhance border security programs, and
secure our tribal and federal lands and territories. It would
increase Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) staff, detention
space, law enforcement access to informants, and provide increased
penalties for smuggling. Globally, this bill coordinates DHS mission
overseas, implements a more effective VISA security program, and
implements a VISA waiver program. Finally, the Secure Border Act
would digitize immigration functions and benefit
H.R. 1196 (Ortiz, D -TX) would improve the security process along
the U.S. - Mexico border with a database screening system for
immigrants entering our border. This bill would increase detention
beds, an important provision since many immigrants are let go
upon being arrested for lack of detention space. CCN position:
H.R. 688 (Barrett, R - SC) would amend the Immigration and Nationality
Act to bar the admission and help expedite removal of illegal
alien terrorists, drug traffickers, and other illegal aliens who
are criminals or human rights abusers. The bill would also reduce
visa, document, and employment fraud, and reform the illegal immigration
system. CCN position: SUPPORT
Our strategy? Act in the interest of loyal Americans.
Several bills have been introduced in Congress which would amnesty
millions of illegal aliens and which pose a dire threat to Social
Security, Jobs, and Border Security. But together we can stop
these bills, and get reductions in total immigration.
Our question on each policy? IS IT GOOD FOR THE USA
CCN does not support piecemeal defenses. We support a holistic
defense in the interest of the United States. Pushing a holistic
moratorium bill which will cover all the bases maximizes the chances
of getting incremental victories. And, of course, we will take
any incremental victory we can get.
Jobs Threat - Alien Amnesty Bill
AgJobs Beaten - But Kennedy/McCain Amnesty Bill New Threat!
The Bush Administration is pushing an illegal alien amnesty through
various "guest worker" (a.k.a. "earned legalization"
or "regularization") bills. A typical bill would grant
illegal aliens a three-year temporary work visa, which could then
be extended for another three years. After that, permanent resident
status and possible citizenship status would be offered. CCN opposes
all bills that offer "guest worker" status, a.k.a. amnesty!
Hot News! AgJOBS Amnesty Defeated! The Senate rejected the AgJOBS
amnesty amendment to the emergency war supplemental bill.
H.R. 884 (Cannon, R- UT) /S. 359 (Craig, R-ID), the Agricultural
Job Opportunities, Benefits, and Security Act of 2005 ("AgJOBS")
would have rewarded potentially millions of illegal aliens who
have worked in the agriculture sector for a cumulative 100 days
during any consecutive 12 months of the last 18 months prior to
December 31, 2004 by granting them temporary resident status and
authorized employment. CCN position: WE BEAT IT!! Congratulations
to all of you who made the phone calls and sent the faxes and
E-mails that made the difference.
BUT, the battle is not over. As CCN predicted, the AgJOBS bill
has resurfaced in another form. Senators Kennedy and McCain have
just introduced legislation (S.1033) that could grant permanent
legal status to an estimated 10 million to 12 million illegal
aliens after payment of a small fine. Representatives Kolbe, Flake,
and Gutierrez have introduced a companion bill (H.R. 2330) in
the House. S.1033/H.R.2330, misleadingly titled "The Secure
America and Orderly Immigration Act of 2005," is a massive
amnesty bill that not only implements a legalization program for
illegal aliens who are here, but also institutes a new guest worker
visa that would allow an additional 400,000 legal immigrants per
year - and allow them to gain permanent residence!
Imagine the job loss and wage depression if such an amnesty bill
passes, resulting in the families of these legalized illegals
being eligible to enter the U.S., eligible for schooling, healthcare
and many other benefits, including the right to compete with Americans
for jobs!
Obviously the only way to defeat all such bills is to insist on
a moratorium on all legal immigration in excess of 100,000 per
year, and a NO vote on any and all illegal alien amnesties, "guest
worker", "earned legalization", or "regularization"
The piecemeal defensive approach of the neo-con reform lite groups
simply will not work. Only a holistic strategy - pushing for an
immigration moratorium - is in the unqualified interest of loyal
Call, write, and fax your senators and representative today and
urge them to oppose S. 1033/H.R. 2330. Most importantly, ask your
representatives to cosponsor a bill enacting a moratorium on all
immigration in excess of 100,000 per year. This is essential to
reducing illegal immigration (because it reduces the "family
magnet" effect inter alia) and achieving population stabilization
and a sustainable USA.
CCN staff has been hard at work on Capitol Hill, and we anticipate
the introduction of a new Immigration Moratorium Bill any day
now. But do not wait. Let Congress know how you feel today.
The Honorable (Full Name) The Honorable (Full Name)
United States Senate House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20510 Washington, DC 20515
You can reach your senators and representatives by calling the
Congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Fax and E-Mail contact
information for your legislators is at www.congress.org
YEAR. PLEASE GO TO www.carryingcapacity.org AND MAKE A SAFE, SECURE
And you can really help us increase our reductionist clout by
giving gift memberships to CCN: more members mean more money for
lobbying on the Hill, more money for advocacy, and more clout
for our side.

Pennsylvania Residents: The official registration and financial
information of Carrying Capacity Network, Inc. may be obtained
from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free
within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999 Registration does not imply
Note: CCN is anti-mass immigration
but NOT anti-immigrant.
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