Carrying Capacity Network
Action Alert
Bush Administration Pushes for Illegal Alien Amnesty Again!
Devastating Effects for American Workers, Taxpayers and Citizens
February 2005
The administration says
10 million illegal aliens are in the country. Robert Justich,
a senior managing director at Bear Stearns Asset Management
says 18 to 20 million. Extrapolating from undercounts by
the Census Bureau in cities where numbers of illegal aliens
are known, the total could be as high as 30 million.
The new session of Congress is barely underway and the Bush Administration
is already pushing once again for a so-called "Guest-Worker"
plan with the Mexican government. This euphemistically titled
plan would reward immigrants who have
broken the law and entered our country illegally, by giving an
estimated 18 million or more illegal aliens amnesty.
Under the current proposed plan, illegal immigrants now living
in the U.S. would be given a three-year temporary work VISA, which
could be extended indefinitely, and would lead to permanent resident
alien status. There is no way to ensure that participants in this
program will merely be guests of our country and then leave. The
Bush "guest-worker" proposal is nothing but a thinly-disguised
amnesty which, if passed, will have devastating impact on our
Impact on American Workers
- An estimated 15 million United States citizens are currently
unemployed and millions more have given up searching
for jobs altogether.
- American workers lose a staggering $190 billion
annually in wage depression due to mass immigration, with an average
reduction of $1,700 annually for native-born workers. (Borjas,
Harvard University)
- All of the decline in net employment over the 2000-2003 period
was borne by native-born workers. Native-born men were found to
face the greatest job competition. (Sum et al., Center for Labor
Studies at Northeastern University)
- Since January of 2001, Hispanic employment is up 13.3 percent
while non-Hispanic employment has only risen 0.2 percent. (American
Worker Index, VDARE.COM)
- All of the decline in net employment over the 2000-2003
period was borne by native-born workers. Native-born
men were found to face the greatest job competition. (Sum
et al., Center for Labor Studies at Northeastern University)
- Since January of 2001, Hispanic employment is up 13.3
percent while non-Hispanic employment has only risen
0.2 percent. (American Worker Index, VDARE.COM)
Fiscal Costs of Immigration to American
- Net cumulative costs from immigration for the 1998-2007
decade are projected to reach $932 billion (after subtracting
taxes paid by immigrants), an average of about $93.2
billion per year. (Huddle, Rice University)
- Analysis of the latest Census data indicates that California's
illegal immigrant population is costing the state's taxpayers
more than $10.5 billion per year for education, medical
care and incarceration. (Camarota, Center for Immigration
Immigration, Border Security and
night pictures of illegal alliens in the Coronado National
Forest just over the national border.
- "Think about it. If an impoverished, uneducated
Mexican can come wandering across the border unchallenged, consider
how much easier it is for a well-financed, well trained terrorist
to do exactly the same thing." (T.J. Bonner,
National Border Patrol Council)
- "‘If someone wants to come here to cause
harm or terrorism, he can , ' said a 10-year inspector
who insisted on anonymity for fear of agency retaliation."
(Orlando Sentinel, "Security at airports sees slow change")
- "The massive flow of people across U.S. Borders
makes exclusion of all foreign terrorists impossible." (The
National Commission on Terrorism, June, 2000)
Population Explosion if Amnesty Passes
- Since 2000, at least 6.1 million new immigrants have
arrived, compared to the 5.5 million who arrived between
1996-2000, during the economic expansion. (Center for Immigration
- " . . . between March 2000 and March 2004, the Mexican
immigrant population in the USA increased by 2.1 million. Over
the last four years only 708,000 green cards went to Mexican immigrants."(Center
for Immigration Studies)
- Illegal immigrants in the United States actually number
between 18 million and 20 million. (Robert Justich,
Bear Stearns Asset Management)
If amnesty is given, those numbers do not account for the number
of family members that would follow suit and come to live and
work in the U.S. as they would already have a place to stay. It
would mean adding 54-60 million immigrants to the number of immigrants
already illegally here in the country, given that the
average Mexican has a family of 4.
Generous legal immigration policies encourage illegal
immigration because once established, legal immigrants
become a magnet for friends and family who want to move to the
U.S. but don't want to wait for a green card. With President Bush
virtually making legal all the illegal residents in the United
States, there will be an even larger influx of illegal immigration
into the country than there has been in recent years.
Urgent! Act Now:
1) Call, write and fax your senators and representative today
and tell them that you do not want "earned legalization,"
a "guest worker program" or other disguised amnesty
for illegals in any form. Tell them that the
solution to the illegal immigration problem is
strict enforcement of our laws against illegal immigration and
a moratorium on legal immigration. Advocacy for
a moratorium on legal immigration creates leverage that allows
other good bills to pass and is a solid, consistent defense against
the bad immigration bills that are routinely floated – for
example, versions of amnesty for illegal aliens.
2) Tell them that a moratorium on all immigration in excess of
100,000 per year is essential to reducing illegal immigration
and stabilizing the U.S. population.
You can reach your senators and representative by calling the
Congressional switchboard at (202)224-3121 or by writing:
The Honorable (full Name)
House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515 |
The Honorable (full Name)
House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515 |
FAX and E-mail contact information for your legislators can
be found at
3) Help us intensify our efforts to stop the amnesty by using
the enclosed business reply envelope to send a special donation
to CCN today. You can also make a secure on-line donation at
4) Help us multiply our clout by giving a gift membership to a
friend or family member who may not be familiar with the variety
of "costs" of legal and illegal immigration.
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